Thank you to our new overloards

Dude, all I want in this specific moment is to stop cluttering other threads with this stuff. You want to know why? It’s not because I hate your or because I agree or disagree with other mods. It’s because I’m old and scatterbrained and I can’t fucking keep track when it’s spread all over the forum like COVID at a wedding.

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I’m not your darling, buddy.

Also, addressing me as such does great harm to your cause. I am now about, oh, 95% less likely to be inclined to do anything you say.

It also makes me about 95% more likely to believe that your use of the c-word is, in fact, due to deeply-held misogyny. Considering I was giving you the benefit of the doubt before, that’s a big jump.

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Risky’s only a mod so they can pin banners.

Fair enough. It wasn’t, because I call everyone dude.

You should ask this in a thread where we aren’t limited to one post per hour - unless you’re the omnipotent Wookie - by which time we’ll have read so much shit we’ve forgotten about replying to your post.

It would help if threads people are arguing in were not limited or closed. Doing that causes the bickering to spread.

limit has been reduced to 15 minutes.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for people to organize their thoughts and write substantive posts rather than two-word chaff that adds nothing to the discussion, especially when it’s such a heavy topic.

That is better I guess. Just don’t like to see them closed since it pushes the problem under the rug only to come up again.

I do think any time limits should apply to all mod or not though.

oh I thought your blank post was a test. Yes I deleted it.

I’m legitimately unsure if that’s possible with the software.

You deleted before i could edit the broken gif upload… never been able to get that to work properly on here

It’s possible with self regulation or modding if people can’t self regulate.