Texas power outages and Ted Cruz travel agency

This is true. There is just a giant difference in one is highly toxic and the other isn’t.

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Isn’t there a rumor of a different 7/8/9? Could three movies in a trilogy be more disconnected?

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All these free-market Texans go into rapture over competition and deregulation, but the fact is the market is still heavily regulated. It’s not deregulated, it’s just regulated differently.”

Hirs agrees—with his usual contrarian reservations. Citing Rick Perry’s remarks that Texans would rather go four days without power than kowtow to federal interference, Hirs had this response: “Those are bold words for someone who is not on a dialysis machine.”

  1. List item

Honestly I would say it wasn’t unusual to have antifreeze in one’s garage but that is just me.

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When I first saw this I thought it impossible given how the deals with the front companies work.

However I suspect there is some real fine print fuckery going on. Although in most cases people are contracting for a particular price in a given month based on a number of factors.

Just more joy from cutting edge deregulation in Texas.


Gallus is one of the best words ever. More places should use it.

It’s pure gallus obv!


Wow wrong thread, Dan

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Def of gallus. I go w the contemporary def, so prolly wouldn’t be using it for Ted Cruz.
In Latin it means something like a male cockerel.

“ It is a colloquial term most often used in the west of Scotland, and Glasgow especially, to describe an act of boldness or daring (eg. “The way she spoke to Mrs Waters was gallus”).

As the example implies, someone who acts in a gallus manner is usually doing something that they shouldn’t be; formative usage of the word was more condemnatory in nature, refering to someone of dubious character who was fit to be hung from the gallows.

In contemporary terms, it can also refer to someone who does something in a stylish or exemplary manner; quite a turnaround for an adjective that would nowadays sooner see you wearing a medal, rather than a noose.”

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Errrr, no.
He’s using his daughters to excuse his decision to enjoy a warm sunny vacation. His wife was there so he’s not essential to look after them. Meanwhile he’s the senator for a state under emergency where people are actually suffering and dying under freezing conditions due to his and his party’s policies.

Meanwhile AOC and Beto O’Rourke are actually doing real positive things for real Texans, while Ted Cruz is doing what? … jetting off to a luxury Cancún resort.


He seems to be basically doing what Don Trump Jr does on the other side. Just with more facts obv.

I would like to hear opinions on this from any dipshit who has ever said “both sides are the same”


This, but also this is the very first Republican congressperson I googled…

And generally Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. And it’s not just rich people donating to rich people stuff. I went out with LFS once giving water to homeless people. He does that all the time. He said most of the other people doing it are church groups - mostly Republicans I’m sure.

But mostly what Victor said. AOC has invaded the Democratic party. She’s hardly a typical Dem.


It’s definitely not uncommon to be found in garages in the Northeast, but in Texas?

Automotive antifreeze is also a coolant.



They are idiots for letting those bills go out. Double or triple rates they could get away with, but even in TX they’re gonna get themselves regulated if they let many people get bills like that.

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This is what leadership looks like you sniveling (not so) little creep.


