Texas power outages and Ted Cruz travel agency



Ah, thanks. I should have gotten that since I watched the movie Zodiac kind of recently.


It’s also a state with no income tax. Surely unrelated.

I don’t know if anyone noticed, but almost every person in that mission control room was double masked. It’s as if these people are smart or something.


Just caught up.

I work in an energy company in Aus. We are heavily regulated. Its frustrating as hell all the stuff we have to deal with and all the hoops we jump through, but generally we all understand why its needed.


It’s definitely a thing in Phoenix and SLC. So much junk on the roads it’s worth it. Sucks to be poor and not have it when you run over some shit you can’t avoid.

I assume we’re talking about the road hazard option every shop will offer. It’s probably a rip-off but better than buying two new tires if one can’t be repaired.


Oh yeah and snowflake Cruz has a Twitter where they tell their “Home Alone” tale.


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So apparently this is a thing.


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So dumb if people are really doing this. Do people in Texas just keep anti freeze laying around?

It’s a science experiment


Just fucking lol Ted Cruz, lol Republicans, lol Texas voters, this country doesn’t deserve people like AOC



Texans don’t want her commie green new deal money.

This story is a nothingburger. It’s just something to laugh about. Of course there will be no consequences.

(The Ted Cruz part…not the storm or the capitalism killing people)


Dunno how common this is, but I just saw on the news someone in a regular house, normal bill is $40, bill this month is $9000 because of demand pricing.

Nobody will have to pay that though.

All going to Jerry Jones apparently. There is going to be some fun lawsuits coming out of this. Like unlimited demand pricing—really?

They actually make plumbing antifreeze BTW, if you live in a place with, like, winters and you have outdoor plumbing of any kind.

Just keep the water flowing a little bit is usually all it takes.

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