Technical Problems

Happens to me all the time too.

Theme preferences are held by a cookie as opposed to being attached to your user account for whatever reason so if those get cleared or you use a new device they’re gone.

it kinda makes sense to do it with a cookie since I might want a different theme on the phone than on the laptop but they shoudln’t just disappear like that

I notice I go back to the other theme every time the admin changes stuff. Maybe that’s what’s happening. Any changes to themes make us go back to default settings or something

weird, firefox shows me that unstuck has 5 cookies but won’t show me the individual ones? seems kinda shitty, I am pretty sure it used to show them individually.

also the unstuck cookies are taking up 290MB which seems like… a lot. the only thing consuming more on my machine is which is known to be the world’s biggest pig in general

I think these are two separate things. I’ve triggered every cookie there is and these are my figures for Chrome

I think your 290 MB and my 72.9 MB include cached files. Let me check

Okay, I just cleared data

Now I’m loading up on cookies

So I think your data includes things other than cookies

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Did someone change the banner settings? It now takes up a huge part of my screen real estate.

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I changed some stuff a week ago. What theme are you using?

Having the same problem on mobile. It’s bizarre. Dark theme.

Seeing no problems here FWIW.

I’m apparently using “Discourse Light” theme.

Looks the same as always to me. If it just happened today and not a week ago it wasn’t anything I did. Are you on iPhones? Did they update anything lately?


Thanks, I don’t know why that’s only happening now but I thought I took those banners off everything a while ago I’ll do that now

Should be gone now after you refresh


Fixed thanks!

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There was an undo revoke button next to the Trump key so I pressed it and maybe it will work now?

I used to be the PRESIDENT!


Fake. Everyone knows he’s still the president.

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Welcome back to the forum realDonaldTrump!


iam role stuff is the worst to deal with in aws, especially when you start throwing it in kubernetes