Technical Problems

Using the ‘Post a photo of where you are’ thread as a rough benchmark, image thumbnails and optimized sizes seem to be regenerating in chronological order of posting. After running about 26 hours so far it’s currently at early January of this year. If I’m making correct assumptions and all that holds, the whole thing should be complete in another 8 hours or so.


I suspect that if the broken jpegs were re-poasted they would likely display just fine, but I’m not going to burden someone with this obviously

Like all the recent shit I can see like normal

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Nobody should need to repost anything. We never lost any originals, we lost the optimized resizes and thumbnails the forum automatically generates for each image. That’s the restoration process that’s been running for the past 26 hours and is still ongoing.


Thanks zikzak and everybody working through these issues to get the forum back to “normal”.


Embedded tweets are still showing up broken for me. Any picture or video is cut in half and hanging down below the tweet, blocking text that may be in the post. Is this an issue with the theme I’m using, or the mobile browser?

Thanks for all the work to fix the recent issues. It’s very much appreciated.

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Seeing this on desktop as well.

That and the sidebar are the only things that I notice now that are different from before the update.

Seems to be limited to the Light and Dark themes and is worse on mobile.

afaik the sidebar is not coming back unless somebody wants to create one.

Not going to try to fix it. The “Discourse Light/Dark/Grey” themes shouldn’t have any issues

Switched to discourse grey and that did fix it. And it’s similar enough to the other grey theme that I wont notice the change too much. Thanks!

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I see favicon now!

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I see the problem with videos hanging down below the tweet, but only on mobile

I know the twitter embed issue was posted about somewhere but can’t find it so just noting something here…

I don’t have a twitter account and haven’t had issues before but now I get a nag screen every time I click on anything - going to a linked tweet (allows me through if I close the nag), clicking on a twitter profile (can’t get there), clicking more replies (can’t get there).

I don’t know whether this is all part of the same issue as the embedded tweets problem but they certainly changed something the other day … on top of their shiny new font.

Yes, I noticed this too. Trying to keep people from lurking without an account I guess

@goreo is there anything I can do to help? I miss my tweeters.


We’re not sure why it’s not working. @olink set up a new twitter dev account and connected it to the forum but nothing changed, and I think twitter embeds work right out of the box without having to even connect a twitter API key, so right now we’re at the :man_shrugging: stage.

I know twitter changed a bunch of stuff recently, but tweets still embed on so it’s not a discourse problem, since it just started yesterday and there haven’t been any discourse patches since then, and no bug reports on their site from other forums. Not sure how you can help, but if you have any ideas, we’re all ears.

Yeah for some reason this site’s request to /onebox is returning 404 (not found).

Is onebox some kind of generic plugin that twitter uses?

There are some funky errors at page load and when the post panel opens. But maybe these were always there.

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Onebox™ is Discourse’s term for how they embed previews of content in a nice little box. If you’re not using one of the “Discourse Light/Dark/Grey” themes, can you test again from one of those because those errors are probably from the js I added to the older LIght/Dark/Grey Themes. The “Discourse” themes are stock with no modifications so any errors will be actual errors and not lolgoreo errors. Tweets don’t embed on the “Discouse” themes either.


Not sure if this makes sense to try.

Can you see anything in the logs?

Looks like we’re on 2.8.0.beta2 whereas meta.discourse is on 2.8.0.beta4

Not sure if that matters.

Or maybe we could try downgrading to a non-beta version?

Actually maybe it always says beta. is on 1.9.0.beta2