Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles


Yes it’s a disaster. MP is basically unusable for live pricing. I’m also in the Discord but don’t see a way check the total # of users in there?

The discord has 71k members and 16k currently online.

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They’ve talked about potentially moving to a bid/ask system for the marketplace. The one thing they are working out is how to handle the price variability due to serial #.

lol - I’m was going to try to buy some $1 and $2 cards, but the prices change so fast, I’m not going to even bother. I’ll just hope to win the pack raffle.

Having serial number not be a part of bid/ask seems fine for now? The valuable serials must have way lower click competition than commons. Also, not having serials 0 and 00 for NBA is a leak.

That’s what I’m saying. No one is going to bother with those because it’s practically impossible (actually impossible with bots). People looking to snag a cheap card to “get in” after missing pack drops will either overpay for a Lonnie Walker IV or bail, and I have a good idea which of those two options will eventually win out.

For common packs, they’ve been giving about 15-30 minutes notice. For the last Cool Cats drop it was half a day, for the Legendary packs, it was a few days, IIRC.

Damn, i saw a post it the site-status-issues and thought the marketplace was open. Nope, now we’ve just transitioned from ‘maintenance’ to ‘full maintenance’




an email sent 12 hours ago said the following:

Important Updates to the Base Set (Series 2)

This is just a friendly heads up that we’re going to be switching certain CC Moments to LE on Thursday. We’ll post a blog at some point early in the day laying out more specifics about which Moments we’ll be retiring.


Last night I bought lowest SGA, Bam, Herro, LMA, Sabonis, Wiggins, Collins but got sniped on Ja, Davis and Dame.

But we suck at this and are trying to have fun.

There’s not a single pretentious person here other than you, which appear to be your only aspiration. I still remember that you wisely dropped in to explain how jayson tatum was a scrub.

Try to enjoy yourself more and realize you are a moron like the rest of us.

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Is the marketplace permanently broken or wats the deal.

They need to take the marketplace down to reclassify all my CC 15k+ cards as limited edition


From what i’ve seen has been happening, essentially they do not have the infrastructure to keep up with the transaction volume. My uneducated guess is that their blockchain is not good enough (they are on their own blockchain called flow instead of Ethereum).

Since yesterday, what I’ve observed is that the “marketplace” goes down, but when you look at https://flowscan.org/ (a live feed of their blockchain), nothing is happening. Keep in mind that other stuff is going on in the flow blockchain other than just TopShop stuff, for example people buying/selling the FLOW token. What does it mean? It means that the entire blockchain is getting overwhelmed and being halted.

At that point, they turn off buys/sells on their TopShot marketplace, and there is a period of several hours of the marketplace being down while the transactions get all caught up. If this is an actual flaw in their blockchain I actually don’t see this being fixed anytime soon, and in fact it would get worse and worse the larger the demand becomes. This is my speculation of what is happening based on what I’m seeing and some limited knowledge of blockchain.

At the time of this post, if you go to https://flowscan.org/ you can see transactions occurring, but likely the TopShot ones we are seeing were actually placed hours ago, and everything is getting caught up. I witnessed this in real-time yesterday because I saw the marketplace close, checked the flowscan link, and saw no activity. Around 15 minutes later transactions started popping up again, and my orders started getting processed (all while the marketplace was still down).

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I don’t understand this new world, but i didn’t really understand the old one and at least this one has apes with bandanas.


I have to sheepishly admit I have been kind of skeptical of the whole late stage captialism thing. Things like the stock market detethering from reality and crypto seemed like they might be signs but maybe not conclusive. How do you look at stuff like topshot and now virtual apes being sold for 1m+ and not think this is the reality we are heading towards. Fewer and fewer productive people (maybe a good thing) and rampant money printing is obviously leading to one bubble after another. And they seem to be coming faster and faster and almost entirely being participated in by the 18-45 crowd who has been ruthlessly hurt by the series of economic disasters over the last 20 years.

Like literally getting in on the next bubble and dumping it to the bagholders is by far your best chance of getting rich. Hard work and college are for suckers.


if that shit becomes the next art instead of the next beanie babies I give up forever with human beings