Here for the pack drop tonight
My experience is you can still sell the low serials for quite a bit more but it takes patience. The days of low serials getting snapped off rayvin for 15% below are over(for now) Sold that embiid i was talking about with josh earlier for a 100 gain in like an hour.
It’s actually kind of amazing how much $$$ there is to be made in the marketplace considering how much worse it is than a week ago. My account is still pretty much at all time highs.
Grats to pacman for buying it for 120 in July foreseeing the growth and doubling his money in Jan
What I do sometimes for low serials is list for lower, but then if it doesn’t sell quick, relist for higher, so long as it’s still lower than any of the similar numbers. My instinct is you have two buyers for those - people that want to do a quick flip and will buy immediately. And random people that decide they want a good serial of a particular player and will buy the lowest priced one in the range they are looking for. This latter group seem rare and random will they will show up.
Is dapper down for anyone else? It says “couldn’t load dapper balance”
I’m trying to make my first MP acquisition and the first time it failed and now it’s been on the “processing” message for several minutes.
lol of course. The two times I’ve tried to buy a card, there’s maintenance.
I deleted my credit card off dapper, last thing I want is to accidentally use card to buy a moment with I have the dapper funds
So maybe stop? So selfish
I should announce when I’m going to try to by a card so that everyone can take a break, knowing the MP is about to be down for maintenance. I’m like the Riverman of the Topshot MP.
can only get one pack but 3 different pack drop times is sure to not confuse the hell out of anyone
They actually explain it pretty well in the Discord post, at least.
Can’t wait till Cuban accept Vuc common series 2 as currency
Lol nft are the ico of 2018.
If the analogy holds though, Top Shots is the BitCoin, while all the rest are the ShitCoins.
technically i think the cryptopunks would be bitcoin in that analogy
what kinda question is that?
obv yuv. and fingers crossed it brings him the run good he deserves.
uh oh