Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Go tell the Discord and then WichitaDM could be rich.

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if that worked he would’ve been in there telling them earlier about his card that’s just 50% off

I realize it’s old and tiresome for many of you but I still laugh at KL Bruce trying to dump the whiteside

who’s excited for all the upcoming 75% undervalued Zubac deals

he just came back from injury could’ve figured it was a value play

Would be useful to pre-value challenge awards


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Discord: Ban @anon3530961 he’s a bot!!1!

Uhhh, not quite. I mean he and goofy are fast clickers but we’re talking about different things here entirely.

Billy’s median time to purchase (TTP) is 28 seconds. By comparison, @goofyballer clocks in at almost 50 seconds exactly, and you can see his times are pretty stacked around that value with some small humps on longer buys out in the tail. @anon3530961’s distribution has a thicker tail with more long times (those also affect the kernel density estimation for his plot) so I don’t think the median comparison is as good for him. Let’s instead look at only the first quintiles and deciles, i.e., the top 20% and 10% times for each, respectively:

20% 10%
Billybot 22.6 20.5
goofyballer 43.4 41.0
imjosh 46.7 42.6

You can see they tighten up a lot here on what I call “competitive” buys, but the bot is clearly in a league of its own. What percentile rank would it take for goofy or imjosh to touch the bot’s median TTP of 28 seconds? It’s virtually impossible based on the data I have (imjosh’s density curve is misleading: the fastest time I have for him in this data is 36 seconds).


I thought that’s what we were talking about the other night, the part I said would be hard. Then again I was confused because that’s before you made me aware there’s a tx tab where you can find blockchain addresses.

p.s. and then Lawnmower said to trace the cards not look at the accounts

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Yes I posted it in here somewhere earlier.

Edit: https://intangible.market/Account.php?nickname=jonbonquiqui&details=on

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bought a card for 650. kinda scary


Ballsy. +EV but lots of risk. I’m been tempted by similar, but have always let them go.

I’ve seen people track how many challenges have been completed to date - assuming that’s what you’re talking about.

Yeah, see, my problem was that I just assumed, based on nothing but thinking about it for 5 seconds, that this blockchain would have at least some privacy protocols in place but it seems that instead it’s one of the more public and open.

Yeah it’s open but it’s not clear how (or if) you can go back and get everything from the beginning. I have a feeling a ton of time is going to be spent digging back through it to see how much cheating was actually happening after the thieves pull out all of the cash and the site collapses. Probably will end up as a HBR case study.


another one for scallop

are you communicating the list to someone on discord?

grats to the bot for that $1 card

Alright I officially sold my first card. Dumped my Herro CC for $898. Inb4 it’s worth $2k next week.