LMAO that fucking bait
these motherfuckers
If you plan on moving CC cards to LE, making it while the marketplace is down is probably the best time to do it.
You did not enjoy that funny common limited joke?
That was actually pretty funny. The announcement of an announcement is bush league though. It’s clear they are just laughing their way to the bank
This is Blizzard level shit. Soon!
at what point in your tenure on this particular site where you only plan on rocketships did you expect anything else
lol the guys on discord are now doing play-by-play on sam merril games in the g-league. i love this universe
it’s $25 for a dude who isn’t tearing it up in the G league?
nba topshot is gonna be bigger than catholicism. it’s already bigger than they ever imagined possible. it’s even too big for flowchain, a service which is infinitely scalable with high efficiency for all applications. even flowchain, the industry standard for this type of system, is breaking down under the strain of this insanely high level of popular interest
when you say it’s breaking down you are implying that NBA TopShot is fallible, when we all know that is not possible.
what if it’s just like the hbo miniseries chernobyl and there’s one guy in the nba topshot control room who’s insistent that flowchain can handle this onslaught of interest and normal technicians are dying in the basement waist deep in radioactive water trying to patch up the flowchain machinery so it can process market transactions for another 2 hours before another thing blows up
There’s a reason why Ty Inc, Image Comics, and the Dutch didn’t use blockchain.
i feel like other companies have simply lacked the courage to build something of value. something that will last 10,000 years and longer. it could only be blockchain.
marketplace up
Lowest price bug still not fixed.