Suzzerwalrus interest thread

Alas, my foreign language entry isn’t nearly that exotic. Still European, though! My first thought was K-pop, but maybe everyone else is going to do that, so I avoided it.

sent mine. i’m pretty sure the view count on my songs is more than 10x of all my previous walrus combined but that’s just how it went.

So should I try to do this thing when a majority of people are up? Like 10pm Pacific time might be kind of lame right? I’ll shoot for Saturday afternoon for round 1 - assuming so.


24 hours turnaround is rivaling @pauwl personal best. I suggest Sunday

For one round it’s no problem. I did my one grab bag walrus category in a couple hours. I know what I like.


I’m ready to be utterly humiliated


Clovis has entered the chat


I did a last minute switch on category 4

OK, I’ll sort the entries now. I can likely get round 1 to you very shortly.

Edit - It is sent, Godspeed. Will proceed to the rest.


Going through fruitrock now. Only one song I’d really heard before so I’m going to take some time with these. Interestingly we have two different Led Zeppelin songs.

Kinda disappointed not to get Peaches and Herb once I opened it up to band names.

Ok I’ve listened through fruitrock twice. I think we have a far and away winner. It’s neck and neck for 2-5, then some mediocre songs, then a couple dredges. I’ll give it another listen tomorrow to nail down the order. Everyone nailed the category - congrats! Get ready for a shit-ton of 90s alt-rock band references.

uh oh…mine was decidedly NOT 90s alt-rock. So that means nodium or podium, no in-between! LFG!!

Pretty sure I’ve sewn up last on this one. I always like to start with a loosener.


Based on this, I’m figuring middle of the pack or nodium.

Can’t believe a dozen other people didn’t pick the song I picked for this.

Is there a general best agreed-on time for doing reveals?

Oh yeah - the bottom 3 songs will forever now be known as “The Imodium”. That is my gift to walrus.

Why does Maui have a belly button but no nipples?

I’m going to drop little hints before each song as I write up the reveal.

The song that will sit proudly atop the Imodium once I reveal it really belongs on an album called Songs for Syphilitic Clowns.


Starting now? Might wanna @ people

That’s what I’m asking - if there’s a better time I’ll wait.

I mean I’m winding down to go to sleep. But I’m not in America. So whatever.

I think people like to know a day in advance which day, then at least an hour heads up on the day of so they can plan their schedule around the reveal.