Summer LC thread


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Maher was also an obnoxious, no-talent assclown in the 90’s. It’s just now people are more woke to his bullshit.

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Never thought Maher was funny or had anything interesting to say.

I’ve tried sitting through one of his shows and couldn’t make it.


For real, the guy said one (1) vaguely worthwhile, moderately courageous thing one (1) time and that’s… pretty much it. He’s never actually been funny, he’s never been insightful and he’s not even a good interviewer. He’s not even likable! The more I think about it, the less sense his 20+ year TV career makes to me.

I guarantee that woman thinks the war on Christmas is real, though.

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What about his movie career? I would forgive a lot if he could re-enact the ending of his 1991 movie Pizza Man.

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Looks kind of fake but if that is real that is awesome.

There’s nothing surprising about it. The world is full of basic Libertarian bros who want everyone to know that they, as mediocre white dudes, are not offended by political incorrectness or casual racism. Mahr is essentially just an older and less self-destructive Milo Yiannopolis.

I don’t get it.

I probably find him more tolerable than most here. However, when I heard he is worth low nine figures (not sure if true, didn’t verify), I felt about the same as when Simpliticus thinks of Pete Davidson.

I think you had to have been a real fan of his since the beginning to either appreciate the severity of the decline or realize (far more likely) that he was always this way and you were the young fuckhead who thought he was smart and worth watching. I watched Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central when I was fucking 12? (38) During the Iraq war, I appreciated Stewart but Maher was where you went for the uncensored rage. I still think his show does (slightly) better than generic cable news for generating an interesting, unscripted conversation between talking heads, but that’s quite rare, and this supposed identity politics menance has rotted his brain.

I was born in 1983. Politics for my entire adult life has been complete and utter bullshit.

2000 - SCOTUS steals election with an assist from the Democrats

2004 - Swift Boat Veterans for Truth works with an assist from the media

2008 - Obama wins and has both houses of Congress, passing a GOP health care bill and basically nothing else

2010 - 2016 - GOP mobilizes the open racism movement and takes 2/3 of the statehouses

2016 - Present - Trump

I mean how the fuck am I supposed to believe this country isn’t a complete joke. I don’t.


wtf with you youngsters? At least get into your 40s already.

smrk4, one Iraq war started in 2003, so if you were 12, you’re 28 now. The gulf war (during which I was 23) was in 1991, before Politically Incorrect aired. So, I think you’re confusing being 22 with being 12. Easy mistake.

It’s some kind of deplorable mad lib, as far as I can tell. Her other posts are all a bunch of racist shit about Canadian politics.