Summer LC thread

Lurker for years. Hi guys. Any of you got a link to 2+2 archive thread for Dan bilzerian well. A coworker worships him and he won’t believe me that the guy beat up a hooker and if I remember correctly Dan brags about it in that thread.


That thread got deleted, but the post you’re talking about is quoted all over 2+2 and the internet in general, for example here.

I believe approximately nothing of what Bilzerian says about anything.

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Biden: This is America

Thanks Chris.

Yeah I don’t think it’s a racy maid service. But the ad is clearly aimed at millennials who don’t feel like cleaning up after their big party.

Dunno about that one but there is a chain of topless maids in LA.

They don’t care. If it involves any amount of work on the insurance company’s part they’ll just pay it and put you at fault. They never fight unless it’s massive.

Welcome to BANG BROS ARENA please give it up for Your Miami Heat!

That’s not what this is. It’s another “uber for dipshittery” startup. The comments on that FB post are all about what a shitty service it is and the customer service is terrible. Imagine paying your typical uber driver to come clean your place and not someone who’s done it for years.

This seems crazy to me, too. Every time I’ve rear ended someone, I’ve been automatically at fault, given a citation automatically for a minimum of inattentive driving, etc… But apparently I made the rookie mistake of following the law and staying at the scene of the accident, because apparently if you just break the law the lazy police don’t do shit about it.

No, I didn’t record anything. I should have started recording video and tried to get her to admit fault. I was thinking, “Well, she rear ended me, this is obvious, just wait for the police.”

Why is this your problem rather than your insurance company’s problem (assuming you have collision)? You have to cooperate with them, but it’s not on you to figure out whether they can recover the claim payout from someone else.

The story with the cop is nuts. Not sure it’s worth your time, but you may want to complain to someone and/or try to get the police report updated. You’re the victim of a crime here, you have the right to a reasonable investigation of it.

Mission accomplished Chris. My coworker just unfollowed him.

My coworker and I are actually pretty good friends and I’m really trying and succeeding to influence his beliefs. He is a Christian and I’ve been pretty successful at showing him that Conservatives mostly go against Jesus teachings and taxes on the rich are good and that the rich are actually the ones taking money out of our pockets, not the poor yada yada


Porn stars desperately need a union.

It could raise your rates or get them closer to being raised.

Well, I had an accident that was my fault about six months ago, and I don’t want to start stacking up claims that will impact my rates, nor do I want to have to pay my deductible… So it’ll be on them to try to recover the claim payout, and for me it’s a matter of whether I have to pay $250 and whether my rates go up.

Yeah I thought about complaining to the police, but it seems like a bad idea to potentially make an enemy on the state police force and I don’t see much upside, it’s going to be even harder now to get her issued a citation than it would have been last night.

Tell him the Republicans are the Pharisees.

When I’ve said that to “actual” Christians, it’s given them pause.

Grunching a bit here and don’t know where the accident happened, but in LA cops won’t necessarily do anything other than clear the road in an accident where no one was hurt.

This happened in Delaware… In my personal experience, every time I’ve rear ended someone regardless of severity (including a fender bender when I was in high school), I’ve gotten a citation and been placed at fault by the cops… Of course, I was (apparently) dumb enough to stick around.

I know the law says if you cause more than $500 in damage, you’re required to stay unless the other driver gives you permission to leave, and I would assume it’s impossible to have an accident requiring anything more than touch up paint come in at < $500 these days.

There’s a big hub-bub in Prague about a statue of a Soviet general being torn down.

Ivan Konev is seen as a hero by old fucks since he led the Soviets into Czechoslovakia and liberated the country during WW2. After all, he fought for their freedom from the Nazis. He’s also reviled by younger generations as he participated in the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Fighting about tearing down statues of controversial war heroes. Man if that doesn’t ring some bells in America, I don’t know what does.


Don’t catch you slippin’ now