Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

But those accounts are for poors like me, not for the rich. Besides back door Roth I guess.

Not with step up basis.

You should run some math on the reinvestment of interim returns with 0% tax drag vs. some non-zero tax drag with a symmetrical exit tax.

from what ive understand the market felt like google rushed out their chatbot because it felt threatened by Microsoft announcement that they will be incorporating chatgpt into Bing searches.

and not sure how accurate this is but the idea is that chatbots could make search engines obsolete if people prefer to receive a single human-like answer as opposed to a list of thousands of results when they search for something.

I don’t know if it’s accurate either, but I would say that Google’s bigger problem is that their basic search results page has gotten worse and worse over time, with more and more commercially motivated search results (like paid for ads) filtering to the top instead of the “best” search result for the searcher.


I think this is true for Amazon, as well. For both Google and Amazon, it’s hard for me to imagine a world where I don’t use each one multiple times a week. But at the same time, it’s hard to ignore how often I get super frustrated at Google and (moreso) Amazon because I’ve got to wade through the garbage at the top of their search results.

If this all ends with Google screwing up Google Scholar, I’m going to be heartbroken and not able to function professionally.


I just want to know why Chrome’s spell checker is so bad. Like you can get a red misspelled word, right click and get no suggestions. Then you copy and paste the misspelled word into google, mash search, and you’re prompted with “did you mean [correct spelling]”. Why the disconnect?

This is so true. Google search is borderline unusable at this point.

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ChatGPT gets stuff wrong too. If the GOOG stock was going to drop because of ChatGPT, it should have been a couple of weeks ago when it dropped, not off a bad commercial.

What I am still wondering is how much these bots rely on googling. if it kills google in 2024, knowledge wil be limited to 2023 etc

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What’s an example of Google search being unusable? I’m able to find information easily.

I have noticed an uptick of running into 3-4 sponsored links before I get to the free results.

The “free” results are often very suspicious too.

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I think I may see more sponsored links with mobile browsing, but I still do a lot on my desktop.

The best thing about Chat GPT is the lack of ads. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into a Twitter scenario where they realize that they make more in ads than they do in subscription.

Microsoft’s CEO declared war on Google’s search today saying that the margins for search ad revenue will crater so I think the plan will be to not go overboard with ads.

Absolutely everything in tech starts with no ads and ends up being an unusable cesspool of ads and privacy violations


basically any ads are a downer for me.

Have the tech be owned by someone without a profit motive. (Government?)

Here’s a good rundown of the problem.

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At the same time, early on in the shift from desktop to to mobile Google did try to screw Microsoft’s business model by giving away Android for free, which also basically set the stage for ads funding everything. Maybe Microsoft is sincere about trying to pay them back by screwing Google’s business model with the next gen of tech.

There are a lot of potential ways to monetize the large language model (e.g. tailored models focusing on specific industries and making company specific natural language chatbots). I think subscription model for general public isn’t going to work due to competition but this could be free for people on Windows computers or Edge browser or integrated into MS Word or some other setup that drives revenue for Microsoft’s other products