Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

god dammit


At least your picture was bigger.


This could go in any number of threads

The most prominent skeptic is the current Treasury secretary. Ms. Yellen has argued repeatedly that the idea of minting a trillion-dollar coin does not warrant serious consideration. Asked about it in 2021, she also warned that such a move would encroach on the independence of the Federal Reserve.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Yellen suggested that the Fed might not even accept the coin.

“It truly is not by any means to be taken as a given that the Fed would do it, and I think especially with something that’s a gimmick,” she said. “The Fed is not required to accept it. There’s no requirement on the part of the Fed.”

USA defaulting because Fed doesn’t accept the coin would be peak death by norms


Too many jobs added. Not Stonks. Beatings will continue.

Also, finger on the pulse:

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Except Tesla. Almost a 100% off lows.

A quarter of my workforce hardly gets anything productive done when working from home. Get them back in the office so they can be unproductive where I can see them!


I can’t prove it but I would be willing to be my entire net worth that all of this “working from home is stealing” garbage chatter is 100% driven by loser commercial real estate karens who have been getting their asses handed to them the past few years

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When working from home I do the minimum and then do my extra weekly/monthly tasks in the office.
However, I’m much faster at doing my minimum tasks at home and if there’s a lot to do at once I can get more of it done faster while working from home.

It is kind of amusing sitting here on the Yahoo stonks page watching these guys in this video lament all of the ways that Apple missed the mark (earnings, revenues, ipad revenues, adjusted eps, mac revenues, on and on and on) and then over to the right the stock price just keeps ticking up and up and up for some inexplicable reason


I have a very big Shocked Pikachu insight for management - the workers that have the skills, knowledge, tool, and behavioral habits to be productive workers are productive at home or in the office. The workers on the payroll that do not have all or some of those characteristics are a failure of management, it is management’s job to set them up for success or, if necessary, terminate them.

Market has been positive since I woke up today, that’s all that matters imo.

Very temporary. My unqualified opinion is that Tesla 2023 earning will come in much lower then 2022. And it will only get worse from there.

Well if anyone would know it would be @Riverman

Yeah, that huge new tax credit coming into effect is going to be a real headwind.

Sarcasm I assume. I just don’t see how Tesla can make huge price reductions, while ramping production at two new factories and and deal with higher input cost and maintain anything close to current profit margins.

Maybe I’m wrong here. But TSLA at 190 seems like an easy short.

TSLA seemed like an easy short for about 3 years before the last decline. And that decline was partially due to Musk needing to sell shares to fund Twitter, and partially due to overall risk off in the markets due to interested rates rising. I don’t think that most of the current holders are owning the stock due to some discounted cash flow analysis. They’re either retail investors who are true believers and don’t intend to sell ever, index funds who will hold the shares as long as TSLA is in the index, and insiders like Musk who aren’t actually interested in liquidating. So what will actually trigger the decline other than it being overvalued by traditional metrics?,

There’s no such thing as an easy short IMO unless you’re a hedge fund who has uncovered and is about to publish accurate reports of fraud or something.

TSLA is the Trump of stocks, they get away with all their bullshit by doing it proudly out in the open while the people with the power to impose accountability twiddle their thumbs.

There are a lot of investors who use a product and like it and think I should invest in it, they don’t understand valuations at all. There are probably a lot of Tesla owners who also decided to buy TSLA shares and aren’t going to sell because they like their car.

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I did this a few times. Knocked it out of the park each time. I didn’t do it a lot because I never like anything. Probably why it works well.