Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

who’d he steal First Blood from?

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He stole Over The Top?!?


He probably stole those too fwiw but those aren’t Greta stop trolling serious thread

First Blood, Rocky, Victory, Lords of Flatbush, Nighthawks, FIST, Death Race 2000 - all classics.

A bunch more like Demolition Man and Cobra are watchable.

Bruce Willis tho

Adam Sandler? You had academy award winning films like Happy Gilmore, Uncut Gems, and Billy Madison. Then you have the other 80% of trash he’s put out.



More on stocks/bonds allocation

Yields are so attractive that some are recommending investors shift from the classic 60-40 portfolio—60% stocks and 40% bonds—a basic, conservative approach that last year delivered its worst returns in decades. BlackRock proposed a different take on the model portfolio in a recent report: Put 35% in stocks and 65% in bonds. That should let investors achieve a 6.5% annual yield at current prices, according to research by the firm.


Just don’t buy short term bonds whose values won’t skyrocket when rates are cut late in 2023.


Rate hikes are working. Time for stonks!


We may need more evidence that workers have been sufficiently brought to heel. If suicides or opioid overdoses start to go way up then the stock market will be much more bullish, for example.


anyone using Robinhood’s new IRA?

i tend to prefer my retirement to be in companies that will be around in 10 years


Why would it not be around? It just launched in December is it already in trouble?

I think it’s just that Robinhood has a dubious business model like a lot of tech start ups. They’re a regulated broker-dealer so they’re not as dubious as a frauds crypto scam, but they lose billions of dollars every year so they’re a candidate to fail. If they fail you wouldn’t lose your IRA. More likely is that if they eventually run out of investor capital to incinerate then some more traditional investments company will buy them to acquire the AUM.

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I saw their email marketing for it. I like their idea of a match, but it’s only 1% which is a max of $65 per year. I’m just sticking with Vanguard for that.

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Yeah I guess it’s not even worth the hassle to switch for that measly amount even if they’re on solid footing.

Vanguard is hot garbage as brokerage. Interface sucks. Customer service sucks.

The do have good funds, but these days there are plenty of places you can buy vanguard funds for no fee. And everyone has copied Vanguard to a large extent, so there are essentially equivalent alternatives to most of the good Vanguard funds.

I’ve still got a Vanguard account and I do use it a bit. But it’s trash. I only keep it due to inertia.