Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Dude is fucking 98 years old, a billionaire many times over and still clinging on to his job to play the ultimate scoreboard game with other billionaires. Maybe dude is speaking from experience and is pissed at himself?

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People are unhappier than ever, fuck this old moron

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People who blather on about how everything is so much better today give off the same vibes as that one overly enthusiastic chick on girls’ night out who keeps yelling about how they’re all having the absolute best time.

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I mean, I don’t think we are headed into the dark ages, but I do think we are going to a place where a lot of peoples needs will shift away from who else has it better than them to how they’re going to fulfill the bottom column of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs instead of the top.

I truly don’t think this asshole has any idea how the bottom third lives.

Yeah Charlie I’m sure your average guy making $50k who spends like 110% of his paycheck on rent, food and health care is unhappy only because of envy fuck off bro


I thought this was the economic thread? Can someone point me to the thread where my fellow wealthy patricians can give financial news and advice to further distance themselves from the filthy plebs?


It absolutely was—until the food poisoning kicked in.




Britain has had universal health care since 1948.

Yes, and even for them things are better. If you’re sick would you rather have access to Britain’s 1948 universal health care or Britain’s 2022 universal health care.

That one is easy. How about this? Would you rather have access to Britain’s 1948 universal health care or USA’s 2022 non-universal health care. With the former, in a lot of cases you’re dead. With the latter you’re just bankrupt. I guess that’s progress.

While this is true, I think we are going to rather have had access to 2019 healthcare than 2029 healthcare.

It’s probably close, and that’s the reason people are complaining.

Still to be determined how dead or not dead women with pregnancy complications or people prescribed fentanyl by our modern pharmaceutical industry will end up being.

How about we take a bunch of that asshole’s money until he drops down to like the 98th percentile of net worth?

I’m sure he wouldn’t complain, since he would still be doing better than forty-nine fiftieths of people in this country.


Come on, man. It’s not even a little bit close. 1948 medical care was complete shit compared to what we have now.

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I wish there was a possible way to bet this, because I think 2029 will win easily. mRNA vaccine technology and subsequent related developments might be enough.

I don’t think the argument is about quality of care as much as it’s about how shitty US insurance companies are.

I’m good with that experiment. I think his reaction would be interesting when you point that out to him.