Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Yeah, definitely this.

I knew a good number of people in college who went to med school and law school who majored in art history and anthropology. It’s part of the game. Take an easy major to get a high GPA. Make sure you get all the prerequisites in and your golden. Also makes you seem perhaps a bit more well-rounded than the average applicant.

Only downside is that you have no great backup plan. But for the right kid this is a great strategy.

In this case, it wouldn’t be spite though, so your point still stands.

Are you really trotting out the “have fun being a college-educated barista” trope?

Maybe they studied humanities because they wanted to be well-rounded (not “seem” well-rounded), in addition to them understanding that majoring in STEM isn’t going to help them become better physicians, lawyers, therapists, etc.

Nothing wrong with being an art history major. Just pointing out that this is probably not the outcome upper-middle-class parents who want to give their kids a leg up envision when they shell out $50k/year for elite private school, then another $300k for an elite college.

Well, it’s not like we didn’t talk. So, they stated what I wrote pretty bluntly.

I wouldn’t say that they disliked their majors and saw no intrinsic value in them, but that value was secondary to the handful of specific people I’m thinking of.

I sometimes wish I stuck with the Anthropology major. It was an interesting and low-stress semester after taking all the engineering weedout courses and learning I was a weed.

After a semester of Anthropology I decided to do something more useful - Music.


More highlights from Bogleheads: “I make millions of dollars a year but don’t want to pay any taxes”

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Yeah this is what made me raise my eyebrows too.

“Instead of investing a small amount of literal millions of dollars of income into what I want, I asked a couple of local ham 'n eggers in my free consultation and now I’m hoping not to pay some more people for their expertise by asking you guys on a message board.”

  • Sincerely, Boglehead

Fuck I hate people.

Bogleheads just seems like an endless stream of humblebragging/first world problems, no idea how people regularly read that shit. How many different ways is there to say buy index funds?

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And they’re on the fucking index guy’s site too.

I do like the autist KlangFool tho

I find this one funny, but not for the reasons everyone else does. I think it’s fine to ask the question on a message board and I think it’s fine to want to try to figure out ways to pay less taxes. The hilarious part is just OP’s complete disbelief that there isn’t some magic to cut his taxes in half or whatever.

I know exactly what he’s thinking too: Those MFers Bezos, Zuck, Musk, etc. hardly pay any taxes and here I am paying 1/3 like a chump. How can this be?

I’d also bet if you asked this guy to vote on raising taxes on those MFers, he would vote against. It’s a near lock.

I doubt that this particular poster is even being genuine in his finances but taking it at face value illustrates why i personally couldnt adopt a spending habit like that. If things ever turn, its going to be a hell of a battle to detox from all those luxories. Id rather just keep things simple as possible and hoard and save all kinds of stuff just in case im not able to pay for that same lifestyle.

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I’m trying to come up with an example occupation of someone who pays themself $2M or whatever as an S-corp. Wealth manager?

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HS Poker Pro too boomer to wash it through crypto.

Given the other info, there is a pretty good chance he is a doctor. For example, really busy spine surgeon could probably hit that.

Got it

It’s always doctors

they would burn me at the stake for what i spend on eating out and vacations. yolo. i’m honestly fine with working into old age.

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