Stones cheating scandal

I’m hoping we find out exactly how he cheated (it appears to me there were multiple methods over time) and exactly how many were involved but I don’t believe anything postle says as he’s continued to mostly deflect with nonstop irrelevant bullshit so we may never know.

Guys like Moneymaker who defended him and even retweeted the 2p2 famous “this is fabricated” stones tweet lost all respect from me. People that snap defend things like that always end up being the same type of people.

Also there is a recent stream of him not cheating and he’s making mistakes and playing completely different and not staring at his crotch or tugging his hat or taking time or jovial and laughing (like in his cheating streams) instead he’s all serious business–it’s night and day and couldn’t be more fucking obvious. For the idiots out there who are still not sure the earth is round or not sure he was cheating.


Takes too long and stones already claimed they did an investigation and found nothing. Why would you ramp it down when the only people responsible for game integrity are on your side?

This only blew up because someone finally called them out on it and all we had to do was look at video and realize WTF everytime he makes the correct play and looks weird as all hell staring at his crotch or tugging his hat or laughing right before he makes a superhero call.

100% guilty

Mike Matusow is stanning for him, because of course.

More interesting is whether Chip and Doyle were cheaters back in the day.

Chip no. Doyle yes.

Ya I posted quite a but in the 2p2 thread and have been following this story closely. I would bet everything I have that he cheated. Only question is how exactly did he cheat and did he have help.

Also lolMatusow

My favourite mike matasow moment was Daniel Negraneu trying to get him to calculate how many combos of AK there are. No matter how many times and with how many hints he never got close.

I’m sure he will nail Postle!

Lol. Link?

It was one of the podcasts. I can’t remember which.

To be fair if I remember correctly the actual question was something like if one ace flops how many combos of ak could your opponent have. So he couldn’t just multiple 4x4. He had to do subtraction too. :grin:

ESPN segment. This is actually a pretty well-written summary.

Aw, bummer.

Fun Fact: My username comes from a Mike Matusow quote. He was ranting about somebody playing aggressively in the late stages of a tournament, and couldn’t believe somebody would push 9To (or w/e it was) for “all the cheese.”

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wow this is nuts

it really is. It’s like a microcosm of the impeachment stuff, playing out in our little world, at the same time. Crazy grifter treated like a god by locals/producers, one whistleblower, evidence coming out fast, regular folks doing their own investigating, crazy grifter keeps doubling down on how great he is, etc.

be careful if you start watching any of Joey Ingram’s streams where he goes over this, you’ll wake up 6 hours later just mad as hell and wondering where your 6 hours went because it’s so fascinating and maddening and obvious at the same time.


It’s like it was a little local poker cult where Postle was the messiah and everyone was too hooked on the cult to see what was going on.

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Just imagine how much cheating is done by people who are a little bit smarter than Postle and Russ Hamilton.


The cool thing is, even if he never gets “caught” in the literal sense, his poker career is over, which will only further cement the fact that he’s a cheating POS.

I think this is the wrong assumption to make. Cheating is very rare in poker overall.

lol clovis


What percentage of poker hands involve cheating if it’s not rare?

Justin Bonomo is an admitted cheater, zero consequences and currently in the cool kids club.

The number of not shady high stakes pros who aren’t perpetually broke is single digits.


You named one player then a second non sequitor.