So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

One last time. @skydiver @VoteForSocialists @olink @smrk4 @econophile @anon38180840 who is making it today?

it’s in an hour, correct? i will dial in (unless this appt runs late)

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I’ll be there, 2pm EST!

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I’ll be along in a sec, I can hear voice but chat only tho

@skydiver @VoteForSocialists @olink @smrk4 @econophile @boredsocial

@ProxyOP everyone since we mentiond this at the tail end and a couple have logged off. Our action steps right now are to post our skillsets/areas of expertise we think can be useful - then we can volunteer to learn more about whatever areas we don’t cover. Also, if anyone knows a lawyer or can track down a lawyer who has experience in campaign law and would be willing to work free/cheap to advise us on what structure we need to set up and sign off on our ads not violating the law, that would be huge.

Skills: I have professional experience in broadcasting - audio editing, video editing (so-so), voiceover for ads… Writing, public relations/media relations, web design (I did it as a side job about 8-10 years ago),social media/digital marketing (on the side of the web design so it’s dated and limited experience). And of course I’ve got that poker/game theory style strategic thinking (but that’s really all of us to some degree).

Still haven’t received the voter file from GA. I sent an email asking about the status on Friday, but haven’t gotten a reply. I suspect things are backed up there because of the audit.

Even without the voter file, there is some free public data that could be useful here. For example, we can see which places favored Collins over Loeffler, or which places the R senate candidates trailed Trump the most.

Looks like I will be pretty busy this week, but I will try to get some datasets together as well as some ideas about how to use them.


Skills: I’m a sales/operations hybrid with a significant amount of negotiation baked in. I do a decent amount of work with linkedin for finding new customers, and my process for finding trucks to cover my loads is basically industry specific digital advertising. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to convince highly skeptical people to give me an opportunity to screw their job up. I also spend a lot of time dealing with one off operational issues that can be semi complex and crucially involve people. Getting people to do what I want is like 85% of my job as I’m thinking about it.

I can also do everything you see me do on the forum lol.

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A born Democratic leader.


I have a project management background, so efficiency is my jam. Finding ways to accomplish things with as little wasted effort as possible is one of my main skills, I think. It’s very easy for me to recognize the critical path to reach a goal.

Messaging. Learning how to talk to people in their language, not just my own. I’ve been doing a lot of it, but have no formal training.

Also, networking. I’ve built up a lot of contacts who are either working on campaigns, or in PACs/non-profits, or they know people who are. This is more on the field/organizing side of things, so I’m not sure how useful that will be until we get a little more established.

Finally, the nitty-gritty details of actually organizing volunteers. It’s mostly about badgering them constantly with reminders, lol.

I unfortunately don’t know much about digital advertising/data, and I’m terrible at content creation.

I’m dropping this link here for future reference. Not sure we have the time or funding for it now, but this type of training could really be a force multiplier for us down the road:


Project management is important all kidding aside.

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I mean, where do you think terms like “force multiplier” and “critical path” come from? :rofl:


Guess which part of my job I absolutely cannot fuck up if I want to keep existing as a going concern?

cost, schedule, and performance, baby!

hmm, we aren’t alone, it seems. Check out the PAC name :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got the data. Please PM me if you would like access. Be forewarned that it is a very large file, so you will need experience with data processing programs to use it.

I’ll give some summary info once I’ve had a chance to dig in.


Alright, it’s becoming semi obvious that nobody knows a lawyer who can figure out setting us up a 501(c)(4). I’ve got a little bit of work for Monday, but I’ll start a standard procurement sweep for a lawyer and return with what I find on Monday. I’ll be surprised if I don’t have something by the end of the day Monday.

If it’s cheap I’ll probably just pull the trigger on it myself, but if it ends up being a decent sized chunk (like more than a couple hundred) I’m looking to buy a house in 2 months and would like to stay married.

To all our forum lawbros I am starting to get a distinct sense that either you guys think this whole thing is spectacularly ill advised (and I would very much like to know why if that’s what you think), risky to be seen in the vicinity of, or something else. Maybe the request for real legal advice earlier scared you guys off. In this stage I don’t need real legal advice I need as close to free legal advice as we can get. Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway PM me lol.

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Maybe we should @ the lawbros? Are they following this thread?

I also struck out on the lawyer friend. Before it was concrete he was all about asking his boss who she knew. Once it was time, the offer vanished. Maybe you’re right, people don’t want to be associated with it…

I’d also like us to move to Signal this week for discussions, I think we’ll be able to move faster and communicate better. Also, selfishly, I’d like to spend less time around Unstuck and this thread will keep me logging in daily.

Sounds good to me.

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I’m in for 10 hours/week for 8 weeks starting 12/23. I can contribute data processing and analysis, programming, and digital marketing infrastructure. I work on a multi-channel digital marketing platform, so I’m familiar with email, push, and SMS channels and some of their traps and foibles. I haven’t looked at Facebook or Twitter in several years, but could come up to speed on their APIs or other social channels if needed.

@econophile, can you please send me the link to the Georgia list?

I have some notes and comments on the thread so far, should I post them here, or is there an off-site conversation?