So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

Which should be relatively easy for us to tap into.

We package the truth to them in a conspiracy theory. The wealthiest billionaires are secretly conspiring against you to suck the wealth from your very being and keep it for themselves. The only way to stop this evil plot is to tax the rich!

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I mean, it’s a conspiracy theory that’s been going around right wing circles for like 200 years already so yeah. Drop the antisemitic bits and it still sells imo.


You can specifically include every form of racism as part of their evil plot to divide and conquer.

You should. It is. They’ve been bragging about it being so since at least 1750.

Somebody should start a youtube channel to spout off about this stuff in the appropriate style.

I’m just remembering how all the boomer and genx deep state conspiracy theories were leftist and how much that thing has been totally coopted by the right.

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I would say that the “side” that has been doing that(using PR and marketing to it’s full potential) is the ruling class and both factions(Dem & GOP) of their business party. That singular side owns and controls mass media. The other side(unions, socialists, communists, anarchists, etc) has messaging that resonates(IMO), but far less ability to disseminate the message as consistently or perniciously.

There’s a through line on this connecting the people who for example swayed US public opinion from being isolationist to being ready to ship off overseas and kill the treacherous Huns in WW1. Then on to the likes of Edward Bernays who could be considered the father of public relations and propaganda, and continuing up to present day.

What are you talking about here?

Was Bill Clinton making arguments that should be taken seriously as being good for Americans when he championed NAFTA, or when he declared that Glass-Steagall was no longer appropriate, or when he was doing welfare “reform”?

Was Obama making arguments that should be taken seriously as being good for Americans when he gaslit Flint community members about their drinking water, or when he put Tim Geithner in charge of the US Treasury in order to serve Wall Street’s interests?

Is Biden making arguments that should be taken seriously as being good for Americans when he brags about his willingness to veto M4A, or shits on progressive policies after his storied career of being a bagman for MBNA?

Perhaps you mean that people on the actual left have been “desperately plead[ing] with Americans to actually think through politics and consider what would actually be good for them.”? Because it certainly hasn’t been Dems with actual power doing that.

The Democrat’s credibility with everyday Americans, which was gained during the New Deal era, is completely shot. Their complicity in passing the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 which double kneecapped unions, and consummating in the planned abandonment of the working class during the Clinton era has consequences. The Dems are hooked on Wall Street and big donor money, the continued receipt of which is dependent upon them doing the “hear no/see no evil” act regarding the implacable systemic economic issues endemic to capitalism, while they run concern troll interference in order to block popular/progressive/socialist policies.

I feel like you are kind of kidding around a bit here(I hope), but I don’t see any upside in packaging anything as a conspiracy theory or selling it as such. People that believe conspiracy theories are more likely to believe more conspiracy and BS, not less. You’ll have very little control over what lunacy they are exposed to and latch on to next.

There’s a reason that the Black Panther Party(just one example of many left or liberation grass roots organizations) had education programs teaching real theory/organizing tactics, rather than packaging things as conspiracy theories.

I wish y’all the best, and I’m not trying to be overly critical. But when y’all post something that makes we smh or wtf, occasionally I’ll add my two cents. Spend it however you’d like. :grinning:


Fair enough. Honestly the primary impetus for this thing was watching the remote possibility of any kind of help for the population at large wither and die in the face of checks notes a lack of competence in digital advertising.

I don’t disagree with your critiques of the eDems. I’ll be the first to admit that they feel less and less like my party at this point every day. I’m sorry, but even if I agreed with them about absolutely everything the incompetence alone would be enough for a break up. I can’t believe I ever gave those people any of my money to waste. What a complete goddamn joke.

I think that we should contest every type of voter full stop. This whole idea that it makes sense to just give up on huge swathes of the population is from before social media. It has no basis in reality.


Same as now, but if we can steer them away from Q the trajectory is likely to improve and we improve our odds of making political gain.

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I agree that steering people away from Q or other conspiracy theories is a good thing. Using conspiracy theories in order to do that is a bad idea, and bound to backfire. I can’t tell from your response if you agree/disagree on that point though.


I think whatever the most cost effective way of steering them away ASAP is, is the best.

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This is kind of where I am tbh. There was a time to be careful and they decided to do absolutely nothing with it. Something has to give or nobody should bother having kids ITT. Not right to bring them in at this spot. The world needs fewer people and it’s going to be a bad timeline for them to live through anyway.

Maybe. Just like with every other strategy, we have the quantitative tools now to find out.

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So your decision on whether you’ll pitch conspiracy theories at people, is based on if you think it’ll be cost effective in the short term?

That seems ethically dubious, and disregards long term negative impacts.


I think we’re having an argument about definitions here. We’re talking about content tuned toward counter programming conspiracy theorists.

Again the plan should be to contest pretty much every voter.

I’m not on board for actually creating a conspiracy theory like q Anon.

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Encourage organized religion to see Q as a competition that they should want to squash. We’d be better off if the QAnon idiots were just straightforward evangelical Christians.

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Yeah I’m not talking about starting a new conspiracy, I’m just suggesting putting reality into a package they will accept.

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Yeah no that’s probably a bad idea and more sketchy than I’m comfortable with regardless.

Getting people thinking in terms of class rather than division by culture war signifiers should help to get them to prioritize what they have in common with us rather than our differences, and is a good long term goal imo. And to communicate effectively with people it helps to meet them where they are. If that’s crazytown, you still gotta learn the language.

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Aren’t a lot of them already?

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Honestly partnering with and promoting a more community oriented Christian faith than what the evangelicals are pushing isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever had

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One of the reasons I liked Pete the first time, and I like Pete still, is that he can talk to people of faith with the expertise of a Bible dork, and he can possibly steer them to better politics. RWNJ Christianity is an embarrassment to the faith, it’s all just a culture war to them, and no sin too heinous to overlook so long as you get what you want. Of course though, after you’re done posting Nazi propaganda for the day, remember to say sorry to Jesus; it’s cool, he forgives.

This. We need to give them their grievances, and billionaires are the perfect target. Thats been tried so far though and for some reason it doesn’t seem to stick. Like people hate the least bad billionaires and nobody gives a fuck about the Kochs or Waltons or Bezos except people already on the left. It’s fucking infuriating.

But I totally agree, people want someone to blame for their problems and so far the right has done a great job at giving them one, and we haven’t.

I’m in to help try but I will be pretty limited on time and useful skills lol.

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