So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

It’s gotta be us I suspect. Not as candidates but rather building new political institutions.

I’m very tired of yelling at my tv as some Ted or Karen who is supposed to be representing my politics fucks it all up.


Definitely should.

And the subsidiary orgs can raise money, too.

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I mean, we can also stack our efforts. Use the same ad to boost a state house, state senate and US House candidate in the primary.

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If we’re trying to prevent their voters from turning out at all, we are by default affecting every race on the ticket.

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I love this.


I’m thinking about primaries, though.

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Yeah primaries should be cheaper though. We’ll run turnout ads on tiktok to get the youngs out, we’ll run pro turnout ads at conservatives on fb and nextdoor ‘if our district has to be represented by a liberal let it be a sane one and not a corrupt one beholden to out of town interests like x’. The absurd thing about right now is how cheap an impression is on the internet.

In general elections we probably go 75% anti turnout (because we can safely assume no one else is going to do it) 25% turnout ads. Obviously these are my wild ass guesses about where we’ll end up. The results will determine what we finally do.

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I’m happy to help with modeling if we need to build something


In. Pm I guess about details.

Something like this, but we should be able to be even more accurate. Scrape fb for neighborhood concerns etc.

Maybe? Not sure how well we’ll know what works before the event.


Accurate lol. It’s a wild ass guess. We should start small in max markets and tune until it works. Max markets largely so we can compare them against each other.

It’s the norm that candidates/parties with some sort of principles are held to higher standards than others, unfortunately. If your MO is who cares how we win, fuck 'em, winning is all that matters…doggish behaviour surprises no one and hardly gets a reaction.

The GE a year ago here showed that even if both parties have well documented problems with racism among rank and file members, only the party that stands against racism is held to account. In fact, it was a major factor in the election result.

This is why we have to be hardcore dark money. The candidates can’t do anything like what we can.

Candidates will get concern trolled about anything too overtly negative or suspicious (and successful) regardless. Plausible deniability (even legitimately having no idea about the thing) isn’t a shield anymore.

Called it. They’re only using it to raise money to spend on TV. We deserve the results we got. We deserve worse tbh.

This is just incredible. I refuse to believe they’re all too stupid to make the connection. It has to be because it’s all a grift to them. Something like they get a % of ad buys, so ldo they buy expensive ads.


I saw lots of ads on social to raise money. I knew they were doing that if ham fistedly.


I honestly think the fundraising arm of campaigns has become a net negative on opinion of candidates. Take Jaime Harrison for example. I sent him $5 back in August and got literally 4+ emails a day from him through Nov 4th. Some days I’d get 7 or 8. It definitely made me sour on him a bit, and I’m aware enough to understand why they do it.

Add in FD ads being more fundraising stuff and it likely give a lot of voters the impression that the candidate isn’t really there to represent them, but rather just to make money off them. It’s gross.

Also, I’m in in some capacity. I can’t commit 20hrs a week and I don’t have much relevant skills other than some FB targeted advertising stuff, but I’d still like to help. Maybe with some community FB stalking type stuff to dig up micro targeted issues in a given area.


We had this idea, but we had it too late to develop and execute it effectively.

The way to depress the right’s turnout right now seems to have an easy answer: tie the republican candidate to liberal policies/people, in a fear-based way. We had a plan to do this, but decided we weren’t sure that it would be effective coming from us.

Had we had dark money support, we would have had them text every Republican in the district a video of Issa saying he’d never defund planned parenthood (several different times).

Then another one of him praising Joe Biden.

Then another one of him distancing himself from Trump.

Then another one of his shady business stuff.

We didn’t have the money to do it ourselves, or target them effectively, but we think it might have actually worked. I really wish we could have done it. none of those things are made up, either. Issa did all that stuff, lol.


Color me horrified.