The DO NOT COMPLY weirdos are out in full force right now. For those who are much smarter than me (i.e. nearly everyone on this board) what is the current status and are we staring down a barrel here?
We’re always staring down a barrel, it’s just a matter of luck. I’m at “somewhat concerned” personally.
From what I’ve read nothing to worry about
this isn’t the one that was found in all of our raw milk because all the cows have it right? think that one is h5n1 and this is h5n2.
bump for we’re all gonna die
btw, we have at least one other bird flu thread
Please to consolidate
Well this kind of sucks:
Haha, oh wow, I didn’t even read the whole thing before posting:
Missouri has not reported any infected herds. The hospitalized patient was tested as part of routine flu surveillance. The infection worried experts, because the individual had no known contact with cattle or birds.
We’re fucked
I’m really astounded by how little anyone seems to give a shit about bird flu. My impression is that it’s taken seriously with chickens too. I’d be pretty fucking pissed if I was a chicken farmer who had to slaughter his whole operation because one bird got sick, and then sat around and watched the entire dairy industry turn into a Petri dish for the same virus.
Pandemics are stupid and everyone is pretty miserable and hates life anyways so w/e bring on big bird
Just in here for California’s bird flu state of emergency.
Gonna need an unusually high human killing rate before anyone even pretends to care now and even then I’m not sure.
Stock up on masks and canned goods while you still can.
Apparently the are no human to human cases known in the current “outbreak”. As of a few days ago, all but 2 of the 60-some cases in the US have been confirmed to be transmitted from cows or birds.
Bet on no.
I’m a dummy when it comes to science but what would need to happen for this to become transmissible between humans? Intuitively it doesn’t make sense a farm animal could transmit this to a human and then the human can’t transmit it to other humans. But obviously this is the case.
Another way of looking at this data is that there are two cases of human to human transmission in the current outbreak.
Seems a lot more likely that they just couldn’t find where the two people in question got close enough to an infected bird.
Or maybe they got it from people but it’s barely contagious.
Two people getting it human to human makes perfect sense if the reproduction rate (Râ‚€) is << 1. That will have to change to become a major problem.
Doesn’t matter if some bug kills everyone ain’t nobody putting on a mask again.
Unrelated I’m sure, but I know multiple people who are/have been super sick in the last couple of weeks, including @sriracha