So. Six hour general session on Sunday of the CADEM Convention.
I learned a lot of things.
First, I learned that a lot of my fellow delegates do not know how to follow instructions. Because this session was for actual business, it was conducted via Zoom webinar. The previous general sessions had been pre-recorded messages shown over the convention app, like in the picture above. The party sent out about 10 different emails with the zoom link, explaining that delegates HAD to join Zoom in order to be able to vote, and that their link was a personal one.
This was done in order to control attendance and ensure that only actual delegates were able to vote.
Not rocket science, right? I mean, we’ve been stuck at home using zoom for over a year, and these delegates are, for the most part, Dem activists, organizers, and community leaders. And yet…it took two hours to get a quorum because people didn’t understand this concept.
Second, I learned that the CA Dem party schedules this session as a 2-hour session on Sunday every damned year…when all the seasoned delegates know that it will last 5-6 hours. Also, many delegates fuck off after a couple hours to catch flights home (in normal years). This often leads to shenanigans with quorum calls later in the day (in normal years).
THIS year, because the other general sessions were stupid pre-recorded rah rah speeches, a lot of new delegates didn’t bother to show for Sunday, because in our “new delegate training”, there was NO TRAINING about how the convention actually works (like all the info I posted above about committees…none of that was discussed), so a lot of people didn’t know that Sunday is the day when we actually need to be there to DO OUR JOBS. The other things that training could have covered was the actual procedure to use when pulling a resolution for amendment…we had a couple folks try to pull a resolution but didn’t know they had to have specific replacement language prepared.
So, the session started at 10 am, and what do you know, we didn’t have a quorum. 1706 was a quorum, and there were only 1200 people in zoom. CDP staff were desperately trying to communicate to people watching on the app to get into zoom, but we didn’t reach an actual quorum until 12:30.
So what does all this mean? According to parliamentary procedure, we had to change it from a convention to a “Committee of the Whole”. So we did that, which allowed us to move forward on the resolutions and stuff, but here’s the kicker: In this Committee of the Whole, none of our votes are actually binding until they are later reviewed by the executive board at their next meeting. Meaning, the e-board could just come in and reverse anything we might have changed.
Now, according to many long-time delegates, at an in-person convention, they never really check for quorum at the start like they did this year. They just look around the room and guess. It’s only later on in the day, as people start leaving for their flights, that someone (usually someone who disagrees with something that is coming up on the agenda) will ask for a quorum call. They do this so they can later try to influence the e-board to overturn whatever the general body did as a committee of the whole.
Now, when we did reach quorum, the parliamentarian then called for a vote to resume as a convention, then after that, a vote to ratify everything we did in the Committee of the Whole. Fine. No eboard shenanigans allowed. Of course, later on we dropped back below quorum, but that was after most of the tough stuff was done.
I spent most of the morning angry at idiot delegates who don’t read their emails, want everything handed to them, don’t listen to the speaker who is giving them answers to the very questions they are asking, and berating the staff who are very calmly telling them what to do.
I was also angry at some of the votes on resolution amendments, as well as one CA senate bill, but that’s another post.