Alas, no sign wars tonight. Apparently most of it was already done at the arena, and what’s left requires a lot of driving around, so I’m back in my room ready for sleep. Tomorrow starts early with a meetup of all the people who came from California.
Probably true when it comes to the shit they have on planes (iirc it’s usually Canada Dry), if you buy the fancy stuff from grocery stores some of those have a bunch of ginger in them. There was one brand I used to drink that had nice heat and had chunks of ginger sitting on the bottom of the bottle, it was delicious.
I love ginger and foods with ginger in them, it’s the GOAT spice.
don’t know how much but Canada Dry definitely is flavored with ginger
Spoiler: Every single part of that story is exactly what you would have expected.
I mean, it tastes like ginger. Whatever, who cares. But that’s definitely why folks drink it on planes.
Now I’m thinking maybe you’ve never actually tasted ginger.
I think soda in general is good for settling the stomach and I bet Ginger Ale being especially popular on airplanes is perhaps about the perception that ginger is especially good for that, some marketing done a long time ago, and legacy/tradition.
My mom got one on my first plane ride when I was like 7 and I have just always ordered them since then. It’s basically the only time I ever drink it without whiskey mixed in.
Whew! Busy morning! First up, CA meeting at a local coffee shop. Alas, Jacob Wohl wasn’t there. This guy was, though:
Next was the Barnstormer Base Camp in the Des Moines Hilton. Loaded up on swag, saw Liz Warren from afar (sorry, she was too quick for me to get a pic), then headed toward the visibility event…which is just a fancy name for all the people standing along the street shouting. Video link coming soon!
Hey, that’s Cory Booker talking to his…um…small group of supporters out here.
More later
Pretty sure I saw Sky in a reported remote shot during Katy Tur’s 11am (PST) show. There were a bunch of Pete supporters jumping around, many in striped overalls, and I think I saw Sky also jumping around with a San Diego for Pete shirt and a big jacket. The location was outside the venue for the dinner being held tonight or tomorrow.
I wonder how much of the strategy in Iowa is being nice to supporters of candidates unlikely to meet the viability threshold so that they pick yours as their second choice.
I bet you did. I was wearing a blue coat. I have a lot of pics and video but I need to get back to WiFi so I can upload.
I am now inside the arena. It’s kind of insane. I had to take a pano, will post later.
Meanwhile I scored a collectors item
It’s actually kind of shitty, Beto people were out here chanting and standing along the street, etc. they were completely blindsided. He was supposed to speak tonight, too. Wonder what’s going to happen there, heh.
This is a HUGE part of it
you should collect one from each of Pete’s crushed enemies as they are driven before him.
I should’ve done this in 08 when I had no kids and wasn’t married and loved Obama. But it’s so cool to see it through your eyes now. Hopefully at some point I’ll be passionate enough about another candidate (assuming we still have a democracy) that I can make the trip eventually. Looks like fun.
It’s on msnbc and cspan right now. This is ridiculous. It’s like a fucking rock concert. Dry ice and light show included.
My impressions of the speeches so far. First: So. Much. Yelling. Even Pete and Yang. I have a headhache.
Pete: good speech with some new lines. Obviously I’m biased, but the best one so far. Pete’s oratory is improving.
Biden: ramble ramble. Too much leaning on the past. I thought he was gonna keep over when was running onto the stage. Meh.
Yang: funny and energetic. However, I kept feeling like I was at school with the questions to the audience.
Warren: the start was not great. She told a rambling story about a toaster. It was weird. But she hit her stride after that. Took a shot at Pete (no names, but we know). Finished strong after a rough start.
Kamala: only one to mention Beto. Took a shot at Warren. Second best speech so far, though. She knows how to work a crowd.
Steyer: he’s ok. Talking about term limits. Telling stories about Iowans. LMAO he just said “let me tell you a story about how I got on this stage”. My entire section turned and said to each other, “you spent $47 million dollars! Of your own money!”
Update: everyone is still yelling
Bernie: only one to use a podium with notes so far. That might not be the best visual. Speech is Bernie standard. At least everyone else has already yelled enough to give me a headache, so no big deal with Bernie yelling too. Interesting note from the Iowa Dem sitting next to me: Bernie is not allowed to bring in a supporter crowd because last time they all left after his speech and the Iowa Dems really hated that. I think he has an overflow room somewhere else in the convention center.
Break time. State auditor coming out to ask for money for the Dems. This must have been Beto’s time. Now on to Abby Spangberger.
Ok I need a drink. Still a bunch of Iowa politicians talking.