Should healthcare be a human right?

How is right to council different than right to healthcare?

Human rights is kind of a stupid way to put it. We don’t have rights because we are humans. We have rights because we live in a society that has decided certain things should be rights.

Our society is going to keep changing, hopefully we add more things to the “rights” column.

We all have to do our part to help that and keep us from going backwards.

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Or because we are making it up as we go and humans are pretty flawed.

You are confusing the cause. Those things happen because of people’s prejudice not because there is any actual effect of not being able to be religious.

Anyway, we don’t need to derail. This isn’t a religions thread. I was using it only as an example.

Are you defining right to counsel as:
A) Right to have an attorney with you, as long as you obtain and pay for the services of that attorney

B) A government-provided attorney to represent you in any court proceedings


It protects you from the government taking you to court in an unfair manner. Without it, you get government persecution via the legal system.

If you dont have HC, that is awful and unfair and I don’t want a society like that, but … who does a right to HC protect you from?

Both. The latter best illustrate there is no difference though.

Maybe the stakes were higher for people that came before us.

Maybe the stakes are higher for people around the globe still being persecuted.

If everyone cared about everyone we wouldn’t have to debate health care being a fucking right either.

Well you don’t have right to counsel for everything. If you need a will made, you’re going need to pay up.

You only get that when the government is trying to take away your rights.

The two are incredibly different! The first says that the government can’t deprive you of something. The second says that the government has to provide you something.

This is a tautology.

It shows a fundamental misunderstanding though. Freedom of Religion isn’t freedom to have religion or be religious. Its a protection from other parties mistreating you because of your religion (or lack thereof!). Do you think Disability Rights give people the right to be disabled?

I don’t see it.

Except it obviously not. A protection for hobby lobby to deny contraception is a “freedom to be religious” to impose ones religion on others.

Not really because of the perversity of our health care system. Hobby Lobby should not be able to credibly say that it’s providing its employees with healthcare. There’s a viable point of view in there where you’re forcing Hobby Lobby to give other people something they believe is morally wrong.

This is one of many many many reasons why healthcare shouldn’t be tied to employment. It’s just an absolutely insane idea with no redeeming qualities to it unless you’re an employer who wants to raise the cost of switching jobs or starting a competing firm for its employees.

I mean no difference between a right to government provided council and a right to government provided healthcare.

Yes, rights can be abused. I actually warn against this up thread!


Maybe you missed this one, so I’ll post it again. Please tell me what sanctions we should consider against the Botswanas of the world? After all, they are violating their citizen’s human rights.

It really seems like the distinction between positive and negative rights is arbitrary as any positive right can be phrased as negative and visa versa. It’s just semantics.

How is a right to healthcare different than a right to an education?

You are clouding the issue with that question. It’s two different questions,

  1. is healthcare a human right

  2. if it is how can all nations provide it within a capitalist framework of limited resources.