SenorKeed's Fall Weight Loss Challenge


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Dude, how about some leafy greens? And you need some fats too. Also beans/lentils are filling, esp when combined with colored rice / quinoa / etc.

I think this bet is in your favor. You can drastically calorie-restrict yourself for a couple months while still basically fulfilling your nutritional needs (provided you don’t only eat potatoes lol).

Since you know the exact time of the weigh-in, you can cheat 5-10 lbs. No fluids the night before or day of. Do sprints dressed like an eskimo on the day of. The days before the weigh-in, eat pretty much nothing, but whatever you do eat, the calories don’t matter as much as the actual weight. So things like dry white bread loaves and saltines are your friend. (I know this too well, having wrestled below my true weight while only having 5 or 6% bodyfat.)

Another trick on the day of: keep generating saliva and spitting by sucking something like skittles.

196.6 lbs.

I ate 1,302 calories worth of potatoes yesterday and some coffee and fizzy water. 287 g carbs, 34 g protein, 2 g fat, 38 g fiber.

I felt great all day, walked 4.3 miles, had high energy. Slept abnormally well again and had vivid dreams. I ate every time I was even slightly hungry, and several times my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I fixed 500g of potatoes for dinner as I just returned from my walk and was quite hungry, I could barely choke them down. One thing is already very clear: plain steamed potatoes with just salt and pepper is an incredibly satiating food and is very good for weight loss imo.

I appreciate everyone’s sound, thoughtful and helpful advice ITT. And in the grand tradition of these sorts of threads am going to ignore it all. I’ll add foods to this potato diet when my body tells me I need it through cravings for meat or other vegetables. I’ll take vitamin A, b12, and a fish oil capsule daily but besides those nutrients it seems to meet all other dietary needs. Certainly better than my diet from a few days ago. As long as I keep feeling good and don’t have specific cravings I don’t see the need to switch anything up. If any of that changes I will adjust. But again thank you for the advice and for following this thread.

lol this all started when I was commiserating with my roughly equally fat and old co-workers about how we all need to lose weight and what our target weight was and how long it would take to lose it. I put 170 out there and said I could get to it by Christmas if I had to. They said no way, I’ll bet I could, no you can’t, etc. They said they would love to bet that I couldn’t, I said pick an amount you’re comfortable losing and let’s proceed. They picked a surprisingly large amount and I accepted because I really do want to be motivated to lose the weight and I didn’t want to back down.

But in some ways it’s harder for me to make small incremental changes and easier for me to make bold, sweeping changes. If I’m properly motivated by pride and money I can be surprisingly disciplined and determined.

walking mostly. Want to walk 4-5 miles every day. I used to be a runner but I’m too fat now. But cardio mostly makes me hungry so I’m not sure that would even help too much. I used to do a quick 15 minute workout of five exercises every week which was surprisingly effective. Seated row, bench, lat pull down, overhead press and leg press. One set to exhaustion doing reps as slow as you can stand. Maybe I’ll get back to doing that after a bit. I’d have to add some protein to my diet if I went that route probably. Potatoes have a surprising amount of complete protein in them but it’s still a very low protein diet.

Don’t forget calcium.

Eat lots of vegetables too. They’re very very very low in calories (some like lettuce are 0 calories) and can help fill you up. Use Balsamic Vinegar (not vinaigrette) which is also no calories to flavor the lettuce and/or vegetables.

I’ll likely add sauteed spinach and mushrooms and onions to the potatoes in a week or two. I’m thinking I’ll eat just steamed potatoes at work during the day – quick and easy, just peel and microwave them. I’ll keep a sack there, don’t have to think about lunch at all. Then at night I’ll eat steamed potatoes, sauteed veggies and maybe a few small portions of fish a few times a week. But I’m all in on potatoes being a terrific weight loss staple and think good things will happen if I get 90-95% of my calorie intake from plain potatoes. And I’m going to try to take a week or two of just potatoes (sort of like how people do total social media/electronics breaks but for food) to get in a good mindset and also a baseline see how my body reacts to adding other foods.

I take it back, I do understand wanting to have a quick solution. But you can’t escape the day-to-day and moment-to-moment discipline it will take to keep the weight off.

Agreed. And that’s actually why I decided to log my food even though I’m going to eat to appetite. Because to keep the weight off I’m going to have to have that sort of discipline. Logging all my food and tracking my calories.

Warning: spoiler contains picture of a hairy shirtless fat man, you’ve been warned guys. Will post updates as/if I become less fat.


haha I’ll do something like that for a subsequent picture

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196.4 lbs this morning.

Yesterday was 1,453 calories, all potatoes. Was lower energy and didn’t feel like taking a long walk so I didn’t. Sad! 1.4 miles walked. Felt kind of irritable for a lot of yesterday. Meat deficiency setting in? Slept very well again last night, feel good and full of energy this morning.

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Sleep is probably the most important thing to focus on. Get enough sleep and you should be all right.

Good luck SK. I know someone who did the potato diet and lost around 25 pounds. No idea how quickly though. At least you don’t have to constantly think about what you eat.

Dinner tonight. 3.5 oz sockeye salmon, a pound and a quarter of potatoes, around 100 grams each of onion and mushrooms and 8 oz spinach. 692 calories, only 422 from potatoes. No oil. It was great, I ate it really really fast.

That’s maybe my favourite things about this diet. It really becomes apparent how much mental energy I devote to food on a daily and hourly basis. It’s very eye opening.

Saw thread and had my Bingo card out ready to start stamping my way to victory

[ ] Lyle McD
[ ] RFL Handbook
[ ] Ephedrine Caffeine stacks

and instead what I get is

[x] potatoes

U killin’ me smalls.


Clearly you’re no good at telling a story.

I gotta be honest, I’ve always been intrigued by this potato diet. At work we have a Potato Bar once a week for dinner. Baked potatoes w/ all the fixin’s. I’ve told my co-workers about what Penn did. They look at me baffled lol. I’ve always wanted to try it for a week to see what happens.