SenorKeed's Fall Weight Loss Challenge

Grunching to point out that a true contrarian blowhard would implement a Peloton into this challenge. Amateur hour imo.

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The more I think about it the more just straight potatoes makes sense. I think the only way I lose this is if I bigly fall off the wagon. What is most likely to cause that? A work emergency that leads to a series of very long days, I ate my low carb lunch and my hard boiled egg snack, then it’s eight o’clock and I’m starving and no end in sight at work, fuck it, I’m going to McDonalds. That could easily happen. But if I buy a ten pound bag of potatoes and set it under my microwave at work, boom. I can eat whenever I want. Much harder to do that with healthy low carb food. So the potato diet is less fragile and should withstand stress more easily. All right, that’s what I’ll do then.


Has your relationship with food changed at all throughout this process.

When the challenge is over what is your plan for future eating habits?

Has my relationship with food changed? Maybe? I’m not sure. Like one thing that this diet has definitely revealed is the extent to which I used food and booze for comfort and entertainment. And then the other thing is that life is actually fine/good without booze and delicious food. I’m definitely not less happy then when I ate like crap and drank two or three or four times a week. But will I still get that ahhhhhhhhhhhhh feeling when I crack open a jug of Carlo Rossi Burgundy (not a Burgundy, don’t @ me), pour myself a mug and start cooking my famous Carlo Rossi braised pot roast? You bet. So it’s definitely raised my awareness on how I used food and drink as a crutch and how deeply all that was integrated into my life. But is gaining that awareness the hard part? I’m skeptical. I think the hard part is actually integrating that lesson into my daily life in coming weeks, months, and years.


175.8 lbs this morning. 875 calories yesterday, all potatoes.

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Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day? As weight fluctuates throughout the day, you’ll get different results at different times of the day

I weigh myself first thing in the morning.



Almost never in the morning, at least until after my coffee. I pee then hop right on the scale. I’m probably at my lightest point of the day right then, but that’s OK because that’s how I’m going to weigh in on the 20th. I won’t eat or drink anything until my weigh in.

174.6 lbs this morning. 734 calories yesterday, all potatoes.

So it basically took me 4 days of big time calorie deficit to get back to my Saturday water weight low carb weight. This makes me rethink not going low carb next week. The low carb is probably worth 2-3 pounds. So what I’ll do is always bring two lunches to work, only expecting to eat one. And have probably a dozen hard boiled eggs on hand. That should get me through any emergency at work. And I’ll keep a sack of potatoes handy just in case. That way if I fall off the wagon, I just will eat potatoes. I think this will work.

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Your diet sounds similar to what Penn Jillette did to lose weight. He also had a diet centered around potatoes.

Pretty similar. I mixed in meat but it sounds like penn stayed mostly vegan after he got off just potatoes.

174.8 lbs this morning. 1,042 calories, 700 from sushi and then one potato meal.

Low carb? Sure. Cardio? No. HIIT?

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174.4 lbs this morning. 1,099 calories yesterday, 700 from sushi and the rest from potatoes. Think my body might finally be fighting to keep weight on.

Weighed in on the bet scale just now, 174.0. One week and four pounds to go.

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Do the people you are betting with know how it’s going?

Good work Keed. I plan to make my fitness thread in a few days. Haven’t lost weight in the last 10 days but continue to get fitter and stronger and have lost a couple of notches off my belt. Would like to lose 8 lbs by January but I’m fine with continuing to exchange fat for muscle.


Now I’m picturing Keeed playing mindgames with them by wearing extra layers of clothes, making his opponents daydream about how much money they’re going to win and wondering if it’ll be an extra $700 or if he’s kept on even more weight, just for Keeed to slide in at like 162 pounds next week and crush their dreams and take their maneys.


They can see I have lost a lot of weight. I’ve been telling them how much I’ve lost but they think I’m angleshooting for a buyout. On Thursday if I’m already below I’ll say what I weigh and offer them to buy out for 700. That’s the nominal amount with no per pound penalty. I won’t let them see me weigh in.

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Those are some trusting friends.