SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I might be misremembering but I thought it was like 1k at this time yesterday, and now it’s at 1.7k, so went up 70 percent in 24 hours.

Not going to lie, first news to make me smile in a while.

Go Villages Go! (Allegedly)

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1530 and 1163 at 4:00pm on the COVID tracker site.

I track 3-6 day exponentials. But in this case the 1 day is close to that number. (0.28/h)

Ln2/(Ln(1530/1163))=2.53 days.

Also sometimes the numbers from previous days revise a little. Some places don’t use a standard time of day-tv likes live trackers. When we get to 1440/day that’s 1/minute but I assume they just toss in batches of numbers at some interval.



You guys deserve hazard pay.


Yeah, I tried for 6 minutes and 23 seconds to summon some sympathy for them, but finally gave up. I hate sounding like an edgelord, but I will shed no tears for them.

I will shed tears for those in America who will be fucked over by the virus, it’s impact on the economy, and a feckless and maliciously incompetent President–the healthcare workers and disenfranchised who always bear the brunt of every bad thing that happens in the country–but the people who epitomize Exceptional American Selfishness get no tears.


Have you considered combining the two experience fields?

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Opening scene from inglorious bastards coming to rhode island


I have a friend who is a doctor in nj, it’s not good

So. Today Mrs Rugby and I did an exercise from “Tiny Habits”

First. Brainstorm all the different things we could do to reduce risk of Corona.

This part is literally everything we could do. No matter how big, small or impractical.

Second. Write them all down on post it notes.

Third. Using a wall. Put them all in order between Highly Effective and Not effective (top to bottom)

Fourth. Using a left right axis. Now put every post it note in order of doable and not doable.

You end up with something that looks like this.

Where the top right is things that we can do fairly easily that are highly effective.

We ended up with things like

  1. Sign my dad up for online shopping so I don’t have to do it as much.
  2. Buy my partners medicines and skin care stuff in bulk to save trips.
  3. Order coffee beans online to save a weekly trip into a specific shop.
  4. Me to shower after I come home from work.
  5. Asking uber eats drivers to leave the food outside.
  6. Me to pack my lunch every day consistently, to avoid having to go to 711.

Note. Melbourne still isn’t quite in full lock down yet, and I’m still going to work, because


This was pretty good.


This is dark

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That’s some straight up Nazi shit


You’re telling me NY state can’t indict Rudy for something? GTFO

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Definitely need the Preet Bharara account for this one.


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Preet was busy preparing for his next Patreon podcast


Real shoddy narrating. Just pure crap.


Day 15 yet? We good?