I know Dale personally. She is/was a fervent Pete supporter that I got to know on the trail this year. She has a transgender son who touched a lot of lives with his story.
This is infuriating and heartbreaking (though I knew about this a week ago from talking to her via DM)
I don’t see how these numbers can possibly be interpreted. Is it even biologically possible for actual cases to double in 24 hours? One way or another, it seems like it must be, at least in part, an artifact of counting a bigger percentage of cases.
It came out in 1985 and I only saw it for the first time just a few years ago. Before that, I had assumed I’d gotten most of what I needed from the Madonna video. I was correct in that assumption. But good god that was peak Rosanna
I don’t see how it could be biologically impossible. I don’t know how long it takes to get testably infected, but if I go home and infect 3 people at home at some point, whether it’s from day 0 to day 1 or day 5 to day 6, you go from 1 to 4 positive tests in one day.