SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I think you can sell it as temporary until this is over. People have already changed basically everything about their lives. Being allowed to go back in public for the price of wearing a mask isn’t that much bigger of a leap.

Maybe after people get used to them, wearing masks will catch on and stick around during cold and flu season, or maybe not.

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He will step down after admitting he ate alone in a restaurant with a female.


UK confirmed cases climb over 5,000

There are now 5,018 confirmed cases of Covid-19 - the disease caused by coronavirus - across the UK, according to an update by the Department of Health.

Officials say almost 73,000 people have been tested so far.

The figures, based on data up until 09:00 on Saturday, shows a rise of more than 1,000 cases in the last 24 hours.

In total 233 people with coronavirus have died across the UK. There have been 56 new deaths, including 53 in England, recorded since Friday.

Some countries going to crumble. Pakistan has 10% of the hospital beds per capita as the US.

The guy in my neighborhood that is high up at the red Cross gets tested daily.

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This is a bit hyperbolic but I kind of get what it feels like for a death row prisoner. You slowly march to an inevitable outcome, day by day by day by day, all the while holding out hope some miracle will come along and save you. All the while knowing it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it.

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If we had some South Korea 4 minute tests I would say the president and those who are required to come in contact with him have to be tested all the time.

Given who is the president at the moment, I don’t care if him or anyone around him ever get tested.


My friends sister works for a convert venue. They did the same and raise over $24k in the first day or so.

Would be cool if we had some of that scary socialism to handle this stuff, wouldn’t it.

I would consider this ridiculous hyperbole from most people, but I know you’ve had health problems including pneumonia. Hang tight and be careful.

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The shortage of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and Drs hoarding them story finally made the media, although much nicer to the Drs than it should be.

About 400000 people, mostly children, die from malaria every year. It would be nice if production were ramped up for this and sustained.

Narrator: Nope, sorry.




That’s the reason why it’s usually the barwoman not the barman who breaks up fights in British pubs.

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You sound like my downstairs neighbour… Alough she’s nearly 80

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You had the natural authority of being an adult and being in the right and they didn’t want to fight a woman.


I think the Russian accent may have helped. They must have thought you were with the mob or something. (Hope you aren‘t offended - you really sound like a badass and totally did the right thing).


That’s was an inside joke for myself Zara… :laughing:

I for 1 is greatful for the ladies like yourself and my neighbours who ridicule the young teens when they are being stupid… Like Jalfrazi says it is only a woman who can do this without causing more trouble.

A man doing this is a challenge to the teens for a fight, a woman is a challenge in that it’s only ridicule they receive in return…

The other boys know what’s what and continues to run away… :sweat_smile:


Its happening for sure. The last two weeks have felt like a month or more

Grabbed by the ear? That’s the type of stuff my grandmother did.

But yeah if I jump in that’s a 4v1 fight. I’m no shrimp either. They could probably justify killing me as self-defense.


Yeah 4 teenagers are not going to beat up an old lady. On the other hand if superuberbob tried it, he might end up needing one of those scarce ICU beds.