Russian ББѴ

I suspected the Russians ran this place.


три самых важных вопроса в русском языке «кто виноват?», «что делать?», и «ты меня уважаешь?»

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Fuck me, they are all coming out of the woodwork. Another one?

The last one is reserved for whoever you wake up next to, right?

блядь, ты чё непьющий?

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Нет. Не пью - нажираюсъ.

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I had to find a site where I could type that out by clicking letters and shit. No more of that silliness, took me about 10 minutes!

ещё бы с ятью написал. фасепалм

Shit, eto tverduy znak!

Oops. I’ll take that as the variance. It’s the thread for it!


Luchshe by peresmotrela dvenadtcas’ stulyev. ili zolotoy telenok.

U menya vse hody zapisany.

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title should be ББВ btw.

or maybe even ѢѢЯ, for the sheer brilliance of “дабл ять я”.

nazarbayev is accused among other things of shooting striking workers. but sure let’s go with your version of events.

had a good time this morning watching this