Russia Russia Russia hacked basically all the top US government agencies and they only found out when an outside private company told them

In addition to what ZZ and others have said, state-sponsored (quasi-state sponsored) hacking is not about the motivations of the individuals who perform the hacking. It is telling that US government agencies and large multinational corporations were hacked, not my corner grocery store or my daughter’s high school.

I have been told not to worry about Russia.

I appreciate the way that GG rushes to the instant defense of any story that impuens his adopted motherland. It is the craziest bat signal ever.

Ruh ruh russ… not so fast GG, not so fast.

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Yeah this is clearly a state sponsored operation and the private security sector has high confidence whose behind it.

It is the Russian Government.

For largely selfish reasons. Because I want it to exist and I don’t think anybody else is willing to do the job. If somebody ever wants to take my place I would be beyond overjoyed to step down.



Well seeing as our intelligence agencies have used the media (knowingly and unknowingly) to push narratives against “enemies” so that public opinion can change for future imperial adventures, it’s not stupid to be skeptical of stories like this

Russia denied poisoning Navalny too. I’m sure they are telling the truth. It was probably some silly chemists messing around.


The NYT has fucked the dog so many times on stories like this, I can’t give enough jerkoff motions for trusting their reporting uncritically. Now they’re running an op Ed from George Ws and trumps homeland security guy. Just tell that guy to shut the fuck up he has zero credibility.

Okay and a bunch of news sites, Joe Biden and other officials pushed the fake Russian bounty story and dems ate that up as truth, I even think someone mentioned it on here recently like it was true.

I’ll do it for a term. Maybe a year term is good for that. A lot more involved than modding. I’ll need a little break after my modhood ends. Maybe in the Spring.


It really isn’t at this point. There’d be some assache setting up accounts at first, but as long as there are no major changes in traffic or whatever, all you need to do is type these two commands roughly twice a month:

sudo /var/discourse/launcher rebuild app
sudo shutdown -r now

The other two important parts of the job are reliably doing the above when necessary to keep things up to date, and knowing how everything is setup so you can solve any problems if they arise.

If you wanted to be super lazy you could just fire both commands from the crontab once a week whether they needed to be run or not.


Yeah I didn’t think it was a lot of actual work but what you do is required instead of optional like being a mod, and being on call and responsible for emergencies is not nothing.

Not that this site is life-or-death but if something does go wrong with a server or if we get attacked or something the admin has to be on it pretty much right away

You don’t need money to tell people/your boss to fuck off…

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IMO, the way windows and server-based active directory is designed it is impossible to mitigate this kind of access without totally rebuilding everything. It’s unclear whether or not Micro$oft would fess up if their infrastructure was compromised in this but at least they are ‘on our side.’ My point being the best option at this point is probably to move the entire authentication strategy into a fresh cloud environment (read probably M$ Azure) as counter-intuitive as that might sound. Other options include other SAML providers like Amazon to keep Microsoft honest on the pricing.

That said, I don’t think they will do this because it would be hella expensive.

That’s because the USA is currently run by a moron who trusts Russia over his own intelligence agencies.

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Russia deactivating our nuke system and then just obliterating us in a nuclear attack would be peak 2020.

Thanks for the nightmares!

This is your brain on msnbc