Rule Vote: Mod Elections and Terms

I was kind of hoping we could just all agree on sort of a custom where mod rotation happens reasonably frequently. Kind of like how George Washington left office after two terms. Guess not.


Just come up with a way to keep Aaron Burr out of the White House mod rotation.

I think there are some posters who are just bad posters and a good mod is going to ruffle some feathers, so the threshold for reelection shouldnā€™t rise above a certain point.

And, like, not everyone would have to agree to the custom. Literally just wookie would have to agree to it.

wookie is like bolivar, he agrees in principle with stepping down but heā€™s insistent that the rest of us just arenā€™t ready for that yet


I propose Wookie step down from 99% of all mod activities, but be retained to moderated any and all activity by Keeed.


so you think 25% of voters are ā€œbad postersā€? itā€™ll take more than 3 consecutive terms for bad posters to force a mod change. and 3 in a row seems like plenty

Iā€™m not willing to go higher than 75%.

Iā€™m thinking ahead to the idea that this forum could last a while and a future election could have the posters evenly divided in a brutal primary where good modding will end up pissing off people on both sides who will use mod elections as a proxy battle.

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Lol polls. One had 38 votes the other had 19.

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i respect that you want good mods to get unlimited consecutive terms as long as theyā€™re good. iā€™m thinking that pretty much everybody would be a good mod, and having a rotating cast of mods is preferable, and this is kind of a way to ease into that while keeping very well-liked mods on for longer than mods who rotate in and are not as liked

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I think that modding can be a hard job, so a good mod who can handle it without burning out is someone who should be kept on as long as possible. I think term limits are a fucking stupid idea in politics and I think term limits are also not good for forum governance.

Maybe almost everyone who is a reg right now might be a good mod, but what if this place ever expands its membership? America is in tatters politically because the Founding Fathers did a bunch of stuff that might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but didnā€™t anticipate future developments properly. Get the rules right while we are still small enough to engage in a little bit of direct democracy.


Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

cliffs: 1951

i agree term limits in politics are bad but moderating a forum of like 150 people is like, i donā€™t want to say a monkey can do it because i respect all the mods and everybody who volunteers to help keep this site my #1 most visited website, but i think some people are making things harder than they need to be because weā€™ve all been so hyped up for conflict and controversy and trump is defeated and banned from social media lol and joe biden is surprisingly leftist surprisingly fast like i canā€™t even say iā€™d do anything different if i bodysnatched him tbh. so itā€™s a lot of new emotions and feelings for people who can feel things and arenā€™t completely dead inside.

thatā€™s why i proposed an independent judicial branch to unburden the mods of the nonsense and let them do the normal mod stuff that a free job is due: deleting russian passport threads with malicious links once in a while


I, for one, am shocked to find that Keeed was not posting in good faith in his other thread.

wtf are you talking about? How was that not in good faith?

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Oh, look, itā€™s the amendment that was pushed by butthurt Republicans who were bothered by the tenure of the greatest president in American history.


Aghast at the mere implication that your thread was rooted in a beef with me in particular and instead was a deeply held principle of mod turnover. However, shock and surprise, the only principle was that I get got.

Jesus. No. Youā€™re the only mod who insists he should stay on indefinitely. Goof baller resigned. Skydiver voted for the term limits in my original thread. Microbet is the original proponent of term limits.

I have no idea what you think this imagined grievance I have against you is. We havenā€™t had any conflicts at all.


problem: being a mod is intolerable

merciful solution: term limits for mods

wookie youā€™ve been a great mod; weā€™re all forever in your debt. you could retire today a hero and for sure get into the UP hall of fame. offering everyone who takes on this responsibility some time off after years of service is no disrespect to you or any mod, certainly not from me.


Right. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m fighting for better standards for moderators. Did you read the post or just the title?