Rolling Stones aka the GOAT Tourney Thread

alright i took a break for a few weeks but I’m back and ready to finish this up finally.

Elite Eight below and its a GOAT set of songs.

First matchup:

Paint It Black Vs Wild Horses
  • Paint It Black
  • Wild Horses
0 voters
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I forgot to show visible who voted but I voted Wild Horses, I love that song what can I say?

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What a fucking brutal round.

Ugh, paint it black and Angie are on same side of bracket so we are denied the finals matchup

At least finals will be an easy vote

Group II:

Satisfaction vs You Can’t Always Get What You Want
  • Satisfaction
  • You Can’t Always Get What You Want
0 voters

Group III:

Gimme Shelter vs Angie
  • Gimme Shelter
  • Angie
0 voters

Group IV:

Sympathy For The Devil vs Miss you
  • Sympathy for the Devil
  • Miss You
0 voters

Trump ruined YCAGWYW for me.

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this didn’t age well

Apparently not


Final Four

I do think a very reasonable final four.

  • Paint it Black
  • Gimme Shelter
0 voters
  • You Can’t Always Get What You Want
  • Sympathy for The Devil
0 voters

Coinflip on this one. Went with PIB because it makes a better punk remake.

As a year zero punk I’ve always made it a point of honour to hate the Rolling Stones but bizarrely these four songs are the only Stones songs I’ve ever liked

“Gimme Shelter” for sure. Never liked “Paint It Black” as much as the consensus and “Gimme Shelter” is one of their very best. Also went with “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” over “Sympathy of the Devil” but I think that’s closer.

Sympathy For the Devil was my favorite song the last time I had a favorite song. Gotta give it the nod over all.

My Stones #2 is probably Miss You.


“Miss You” is great and underrated, disappointed it finally lost.

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Nothing will ever beat Merry Clayton’s backing vocals on Gimme Shelter. Unequivocal GOAT. Gives me goosebumps every time I hear this.


Here we go with the finals. I think this is an easy choice and expect it to show as much but I’ll say again that the Rolling Stones are the GOAT.

Greatest Song of the GOAT Band
  • Gimme Shelter
  • Sympathy for the Devil
0 voters
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