What is their pretend reason for choosing tomorrow? Or are they openly wrapping their racism in with their gun fervor, as opposed to semi-secretly, like they used to do?
Just read this article on Slate
And this line really pisses me off:
Some Antifa groups, who frequently organize in an effort to repel, with violence if needed, those on the right with whom they disagree, were purportedly ready to engage as well.
I won’t claim that they were unaware of the holiday, but, January 20th has been a lobbying day in the VA legislature for a while now. The gun issue is just bigger this year than in past years b/c there is a new blue team in charge of the leg, so gun control is expected to be on the agenda.
This is my take too. Maybe nothing happens. But maybe a counter protester in the back throws a rock or lit bottle - then it’s game on and we’re having a shootout.
These guys in the camo and boots with their ARs harnessed in to the shooting position - they’re UNDER ATTACK AND NEED TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS AND THEIR SAFETY. They want the fight, and they want to light some liberal mother fuckers up. All they need is an excuse.
No no I’ve been assured by Twitter that this will just be a peaceful demonstration from 2A rights advocates and that the media is twisting it into something worse.
Anyways, the left should have some pre-written narratives based. If anyone dies, there should be instant reactions about how it was inevitable. If no one dies and there is no violence, the narrative should be about the shriveled-up penises of the weak white supremacist/pro-gun movement.
The aggressive activism of Antifa is a challenge to these groups. Either they get violent and prove that there is a need for gun control laws or they do nothing and show that they are afraid of tangling with Antifa.
The military should use these rallies to drum up recruitment, you’ve got all these gun cosplayers already there walking around in shitty knockoffs of the uniform, might as well try and convert a few to real soldiers.