RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Candidate

Is this not a reasonable position? It describes me as well

Libertarian anti-establishment bros prefer



Eh, they seem pretty similar to me.

That said, I had no idea who this David Sacks person is and it’s hardly surprising that you didn’t either.

“money doesn’t magically grow on trees like you think it does, checkmate libs” is the dumbest attempt at an own and I can only hope someone says this to me in person.

If you expect someone to engage you with actual thought and curiosity you are in the wrong place.

It’s always convenient when the RbW faction that is hyper-knowledgeable and strident doesn’t seem to know of any of the retrogrades that agree with their opinions on basically everything.

Right? It’s like the time when you pretended you weren’t aware that all your talking points from one of your days On Here were from the Holocaust Denial Playbook

Someone turned on the Batsignal a day early.

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I remember you failing to grasp what was occurring and making attribution errors. So, just another day on the internets. Same as today.

Good try bubs!

Still missing the ole fastball I see

I’m sure you can delve into your twitters and YouTubez and see what’s trending and make some better references!

You are a good bubs though RAIDS, I’m rooting for you

Glenn Greenwald publishes his podcast on a platform founded by David Sacks.

I bet you and raids are boycotting sub stacks just like you do twitter

I thought that had to be a joke before I clicked.

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Wait sorry I was trying to draw boobs I’ll show myself out.

It’s impossible for anyone to know GG intimately and awshucks Sacks.

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Oh shit Ked is totes horny for Trump that’s all he talks about on NMNM.

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sack on deez


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Very fair points being made ITT. People in the Ukraine thread can only bring up early 20th century wars and genocides they hate, when asked if they hate any other wars and genocides