RFC — David Sklansky should be banned from posting on this site

Don’t really have anything else to add.

  • Permanently ban David Sklansky
  • Do not permanently ban David Sklansky
0 voters

Get this done yesterday.


How could anyone even think of banning a potential Nobel prize winner?


I’m on board. I would have already permabanned him if I thought unilateral mod action was appropriate.

What rules has DS broken here? I haven’t seen him post in a while

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This is one of those “mod discretion” areas. I would probably ban Richard Spencer or Stephen Miller on sight, as well.

There is a certain type of energy we don’t need, we know we don’t need it, and nipping it in the bud is appropriate.


None. Did you read the linked email in the op?

He has 1.5 Sklansky Nobels iirc


I mean I agree and have said this before but why is today different? This email has been public for a many years.


Somehow I had missed the email up until just now. I knew of it’s existence but had never seen what was in it.

Can’t speak for anyone else, but I was fortunate enough to have never seen the email before today. No idea it was common knowledge.


same here. It’s one thing hearing about it 3rd hand. Reading it directly is on an entirely different level.

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I guess I had already posted it in a thread titled “David “I thought she was 20” Sklansky” last October. The last year and a half has been weird because I certainly remember seeing it but had completely forgotten I posted it here.


Sklansky is a good poster.


Has it? This is the first time I remember seeing it.

And yeah I have no opposition to banning him after reading that.

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I’d never read the email but had definitely heard David told Brandy to kill herself.

Help me catch up. What was the thing about the 16 year old?

Also. How did anyone get that email in the first place?

I’d prefer if he was banned as its plain too see what’s what with him by reading up on all that.

I feel sick when he posts here tbh.

Brandi passed it along to some of the other guys (can’t remember which one, she was linked to several) and it got posted in many places back in the day.

I added a poll to the op.