RFC: Adjusting the Rules as They Pertain to Moderator Terms and Rotation of Mods

As we have seen, this doesn’t happen here.

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And I’m telling you you don’t need that. When you create rules for what isn’t acceptable, what is more important than what you stated as unacceptable behavior is what you forgot to state. And then creating a cumbersome process that takes a month to ratify that a new behavior is unacceptable. How about let’s just say I trust you to decide during your term what is unacceptable?

It’s because the mod powers are viewed as entrenched and permanent, so animosity towards a mod just builds more and more over time, and in turn their animosity towards certain posters. And it means we have mods absolutely acting in a biased fashion over time, because it’s impossible not to develop these implicit biases when you’re in this position without a break. The forced rotation of mods will absolutely cool temperatures on both sides and force people to have a better view from both sides of the table.


I mean, dude, I would absolutely love that. I truly would.

I am saying, it doesn’t happen. We temp ban someone, and get rations of shit for a one day ban. One day. To the point where I am reluctant to actually use ANY mod powers.

Chads used them, and got accused of being hacked because certain people couldn’t believe that he would actually use his powers against them!

As for this proposed rule, I honestly have no opinion.

Also no, the first time I ever temp banned someone, people got so pissed at me…calling me biased and wookie’s lapdog, etc.

the first time.

No one can be someone’s lapdog when there’s a constant rotation of mods as chosen by the full community. This job has clearly stressed you, and I’m trying to tell you that you’re going to like things better on the other side when you’re given a break. Then maybe in a few months you like it enough that you say sure I’ll serve another six month term.

I’m just asking people to give this a try. I’ve yet to actually see anyone post what would be a true negative of this system? More so just concern over how this impacts our current mods. And my argument is I’m trying to tell you both that a break will be good for you.

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I know you have received some unfair criticism, but some of this is a problem with your style, not a problem with the system. When you temp’d me you insulted me and made me feel like an outsider on the way out. I was honestly shocked not about your temp but by the way you went about it.

Gonna check out of this thread for awhile to let others have at it in here. I think I’ve laid out my main points and intentions pretty clearly.

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You’re saying she receives unfair criticism and it’s her fault that she receives it?

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Just staggering dishonesty to leave out both the other mod and the supermajority community support.

I would like to believe that this is true, but goofyballer is strong evidence against this.

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I have wanted to take a break for a while. Especially now when I have been one of the only people who has actually done anything concrete. Where’s the RFC for the new subforum? Nope, never materialized. I am constantly told, “oh, that will never work, don’t bother.” It’s really frustrating when you’ve got a lot of experience at running forums and managing people to be told over and over that your ideas, tried and true literally everywhere else on the internet and RL, will never work here because apparently UP is some special unicorn.

It is quite obviously not, because what I’m seeing here was entirely predictable, and I can go back to my PMs 6 months ago and I was saying the same things.

You know why I didn’t leave? Because I do care about this place, and there’s no way that having only 1 mod could ever be effective. I’m truly relieved that we’ll be getting three new mods very soon.

To me this reads as if you’re implying that Goof hasn’t been relentlessly trolling for weeks now. Talk about staggering dishonesty.

Still love you goofy :heart:


No, it’s not

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Literally, what are you talking about?

I temped you hours after I honored your request to un-self-ban. I un-banned you in good faith. Then you went and made a personal attack. IIRC, what I said was: “Easy there, shooter, I just let you back in.”

Ok, good. I don’t think he’d get any heat at all if he’d lay off the trollolol. I could be wrong 🤷

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It’s obvious that he gives and he takes, which is evidence against both decreasing animosity to the former mod and that stepping down would reduce bias or the perception thereof. Maybe if he stopped posting in About Unstuck entirely it would stop, but that is true for just about anyone.

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I wasn’t accusing you as being part of the CoC. You asked what an upside is, and that’s an upside regardless of you being part of the CoC. Not giving into the 6 months long temper tantrum from a group that has largely acted in bad faith and was voted down is clearly a positive.

Rotating mods will also do absolutely nothing to solve the problems of a loud minority of bad faith actors who feel free to burn down the place to get… something I’m honestly not sure. They seemed to have given up on getting wookie demodded and given up on their own forum.

Anyways, rotating mods is dumb. It will do nothing to solve our current problems. Our problem isn’t power hungry mods abusing posters, it’s the power hungry posters abusing mods. What will help is more people taking mod responsibilities diffusing the amount of mod hate.


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Are we RINOs or the real deal?

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Wait, do we mean this?