Curious if there are others in the same boat as me, i.e. strongly considering or planning to one day renounce their American citizenship. Maybe someone has already done it or knows someone who has gone through the process and could shed some light. From what I understand, it’s a bit of an arduous process, and you still have tax obligations for several years after, but to me it would be worth it, if only as a symbolic gesture.
My story:
36 and born in the Midwest. I have not lived full-time in the USA since 2011 and have 0 desire to ever live there again. I do occasionally go back to visit my parents/family about once a year, but really, if not for those visits, I would not care if I ever returned. My parents are getting up there in age, and have a few health issues, so I could definitely see myself never returning once they’re gone.
My plan:
I’ve lived for 2 years in Mexico, but only as a tourist, I’m planning to make my stay more official and start working towards citizenship here. I have a Mexican girlfriend of a bit over a year and could see myself marrying her to expedite the process. Again, it would mostly be a symbolic gesture to take Mexican citizenship, and from that point I’d probably never refer to myself as American again.
From there, I’d like to move to Spain. Spain has a rule where you are able to apply for citizenship after just 2 years if you are a citizen of a former Spanish colony (i.e. Mexico). So I would apply for citizenship there as soon as it’s available. I believe Spain has a rule that doesn’t allow you to hold 3 citizenships at once, so at this point I would likely renounce my American citizenship and from there on be a Mexican-Spanish dual national.
Thoughts? Am I being too extreme? Is it even worth the hassle. Curious if others feel the same.
Still being expected to pay taxes to the United States seems like reason enough to renounce if you’re hardly ever going to be here.
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By that point, I’d probably be paying taxes in Mexico or Spain anyway and thus not be subject to double taxation. So it wouldn’t be much of a factor.
In that case citizenship shmitizenship. Who cares? F*** countries. If you’re not funding the US then it doesn’t matter one way or the other. Do whatever makes the most sense for you.
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It will cost you a shit ton of money. (2350 + whatever tax shit for you including exit taxes (if you’re a covered expat, this is from some form you have to fill out, 8854 I think), if your net worth is decently high, well you’re fucked, give it all to me first before you go. and other things may change based on where you go.
Given you’re kinda boned for a bit anyway with the taxes and the high costs and the passport is still good for a lot of countries this won’t be the best option for many people.
You’ll have to do your own research.
General consensus among people who take citizenship seriously is that you never voluntarily give up citizenship in a first world country without extraordinary reasons. The US may be in decline, and may decline a whole bunch more in the near future, but it’s still a top tier passport to have.
You can stick any official citizenship documents you have in a box somewhere and just stop filing taxes or whatever else. Nobody is going to care or come get you and seize your tapas or something. You’ll just fall completely off the grid from the US point of view.
But don’t give up citizenship just to prove a point. You don’t know what the future holds. Keep all your options open.
My aunt is a British citizen and U.S. citizen. She spent almost 20 years abroad and is now moving back to USA#1 because she wants to be close to her mom who, surprise, can’t get immigration approved in the UK as a 75+ year old with no job or skills. Don’t give it up, nobody is going to come after you for taxes or whatever.
I think you can renounce your USA citizenship to Spain while not renouncing it to the USA. So, like everyone else has said don’t unless you have to.
Citizenship is the only thing you have to pay to give away. We’re talking at least in the hundreds of dollars depending on how complex your situation is.
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fee alone is $2350 now, they jacked it up because under trump people wanted to leave. I know shocking.