Quantum Computing

This is a massive, deep human sickness. This guy invisions that we have the possibility to make computers millions of times faster than current levels. An event that could change everything we know about everything, and the most important thing to do with it right now is…

Make money off the stock market?


Just outlandish sickness. If quantum computing happens, the idea of money wont resemble current ideas of money in the slightest. If there is any hope of escape from the damage we have done to the world it is through this quantum computing and fucking money is the first thing that comes to mind.

Maybe we dont deserve saving


Eating less meat, driving less, heating and cooling less, fixing things instead of throwing them away and replacing them…none of these things require quantum computing. Something like 3 tons of CO2/person/year is sustainable and everyone can live under that amount with current technology.

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Great, now instill the will to do this into all the selfish, coal rolling fucks that exist on earth and we are all set to go.

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Those same people are going to use quantum computing to figure out how to drive faster, eat more, make more new stuff, and make sure they never have to experience anything other than 72 degrees F in their lives. Also stonks. Also more targeted advertising. So…not going to happen regardless.

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Right, but just within the article, it mentions the ability to create a million mile EV vehicle, probably with the capability to hit 350 mph.

They would have the ability to go as far and fast as they want and we would never again have to use a drop of fossil fuel in a car.

A quantum computer will have the ability to create a protien that can be printed that not only tastes good but better than any meat ever produced.

Multiplying our current computing power by ten thousand would bring world changing technologies that could save the earth. Multiplying our current computing power by hundreds of millions will change the very definition of living and meaning as we understand it.

A quantum computing breakthrough has the potential to be the single most important event in the history of the universe


I think both of you are being very unrealistic

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I understand mine is a pipe dream though. Just one that a lot of people are working on.

Might be best to split this into its own thread. I think theoretical quantum computing discussion can make for a very interesting thread.

How do I summon the mods? @moderators ?

That article is a bullshit puff piece, his examples are just nonsense.

That’s because the biggest limitation to AI today is the robustness of machine learning algorithms

No it isn’t.

We already have tools like gene editing, but the effectiveness of gene editing relies of the robustness of the underlying computing capacity to identify, target, insert, cut, and repair genes.

No it doesn’t.

Insert quantum computing capacity, and all that happens without an error in seconds – allowing for us to truly fix anything about anyone.

What? How would genome editing allow us to “fix anything about anyone”?

Therefore, the key to unlocking a million-mile battery is through cellular simulation

No it isn’t.


You want me to split off today’s posts to their own thread?

That would be great :)

I’m not good at thread titles so feel free to change it.

I assumed this thread was going to be about

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Yeah I was gonna post that. It seems to be a pretty big step

I never said anyone would do it, just that they could. For example, everyone on this site could do it. Remember I just said they could, not that they would.

Thanks. I’m undecided whether to read it. Heavy use of underpants gnomes thinking is apparent even in the preview.

I hope they at least give some detail on how quantum computing stumped Einstein.

Edit: This is a sales pitch and isn’t remotely authoritative wrt to this topic. The claim that Einstein didn’t understand superposition and entanglement is ridiculous. Writer went to Cal Tech but his degree is in economics.

Right, I wasnt posting it as an authority, just pointing to the absurdity of the first thing they could think to do with this world changing technology is make money off it.

most news pieces right now are basically slightly updated reiterations of “qc is simply a move powerful classical computer”. no it isn’t. we don’t know anything about what we willl do with it so far. there isn’t a programmable hello world, or perhaps more appropriate no traveling salesman waiting for an optimal route. big props to people at google, UT, et al, but the qc demonstration problems are still contrived. then comes the huge issue of appropriate programming interface to QC, not to mention building one in the millions of qubits range. those can take decades.

on gene editing in particular, we haven’t exhausted classical computer capabilities yet. none of the gene editing problems are from not having a computer big and fast enough. they can already buy more cpu than ever in history.

I see that. The money guys are out there spinning webs to exploit and pervert any-and everything. Seems like they’ve got a way to go in this area though.

You as opposed to who?

I was poking fun. We both get the insane major challenges that are presented with the options we brought up