
who’s the db vendor?

This thing I’ve never heard of before this job

heh, my soft can probably do a similar amount of processing on 5-10x fewer hosts.

These are really really good.


somehow i missed this when it came out. googlol.

Ok I got a noob question. I am doing a python course “100 days of code…” on Udemy and the instructor Angela often marks code on “replit” and then adds # to every line in one move so that it wont be run. How does she do it? I do every line manually. :(

command/ctrl + / usually comments/uncomments lines of code

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Or maybe command “?”

It worked thanks.

IDEs being able to comment out multiple lines was a game changer. Block comments like /* to */ become a pain in the ass a lot of times.

I’d just use a rotating proxy, Bright Data or SmartProxy or something.

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The interface for GCP is much better than AWS imo. Why only every 3 seconds at the moment? If it’s just so you don’t get rate limited it sounds like @ChrisV solution may be what you’re really after.

Crazy thread about tech salaries with a few really insightful posts (one of them in the second half after clicking More).

Even further on this subject, does anyone have any book recs for interview prep? Or more generally about how to go about landing one of these high-end jobs? As background, I’m planning on launching my product next month, and then will divide time between sales and job-hunting, with the idea that I’ll want to relegate the business to side-hustle status by spring if it’s not doing well.

My main issue is having a weird resume. There’s plenty of prestigious stuff on there, and I’ll have basically two years of software experience by spring, but the prestigious stuff all has nothing to do with software and the software stuff isn’t prestigious (unless my business is making bank, in which case I won’t want the job). I’m thinking about starting a software blog to just have some writing and code that’s readily accessible to a hiring person. Is that likely to be worth the effort?

Are recruiters useful for anything? My experience has mostly been that most of them are parasites who don’t really add any value, and it’s hard to get hooked up with one who’s actually good.

Look at the distribution of dots for twitter/apple on the linked post. There’s like 20x more "SWE"s than staff roles. Those are almost impossible to get.

Also don’t go to HN its full of right wing assholes. I got banned for quoting “give us your tired” on a typical racist anti immigration post.

i’m about to go look for a new job. i guess i’m 2-3x underpaid according to those charts. :confused: i legitimately think we are all overpaid for the effort put in, but underpaid for the business we service.

that’s precarious, i once had to decline a job offer because i felt it would bankrupt them if they paid my market rate, which was probably less than half of what college grads get now.

Getting the interviews will not be hard, regardless of what your resume looks like. The resume will have a lot to do with what level you interview for (entry level, regular, senior, …).

Grinding leetcode is an obvious answer and it’s good up to a point. Do a bunch of questions at each difficulty to setup a base. Then do their mock interviews to get used to working under time pressure. You want to be really fast when sharp. The basic interview is asking 2 questions:

  • Can you solve some algos coding questions?
  • Are you fluent in a programming language?
    A significant number of candidates fail on the second question. They write the code, but it doesn’t flow out effortlessly. They are wasting thinking time on coding details which should be habits.
    Once you’ve done some mock interviews, leetcode will show you how you rank compared to employees at different companies. This is real evidence of how you’ll do.

If you’ve made it this far, I’d then use
You’ll have some class work on problems, and real interviews with working engineers.

Whenever you think you’re ready, I’ll give you a rec for my employer and you’ll get a guaranteed phone screen. PM to talk more.


Chips said everything better than I. My onsite (PhD grad hiring pipeline) at his (former?) (and most others for pure SWE) were variations on leetcode mostly. Also let me know if you are in the Boston area and I can give you a rec as well once you brush up. I’m in Data Science now at a tier 2 (non-FAANGMULA, but not very far behind at this point - and our pay is definitely in that range), but I think I can find someone to ping to get you an SWE screen.

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MULA = Microsoft, Uber, L–I got nothing, AirBnB?

Reading that HN thread about what work at a FAANG is like, it almost sounds kind of boring to me. I worked at a consultancy for a year and a half where every project went out on time, hardly any fire drills. It was a major deal if someone had to work over 40 hours. I was miserable.

I think on some level I thrive on the chaos of large non-IT corporation dev work. I like being the hero that saves the day despite having no resources. But of course I could put up with a lot of boredom for 3x what I make now.

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