
You can buy a cherry sampler kit on Amazon. If you like blues, I’d get browns ldo. But obviously they are out of stock. I run clears myself. Browns are the same as blues but they don’t make noise.

Also admitting that you run blues in an office is not a good look :joy:. Unless you have your own private office.

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Yup, exactly like that

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Honestly the big mac one with the lol eject button is pretty great. Also using some $200 corsair led thing but can’t say mechanical is all that much better for coding than the mac tiny-travel ones.

I’m pretty happy with my Logitech K840, and when I smash it in a fit of rage it will only cost me $60 to replace it. I need to balance my desire for quality peripherals with their tendency to suffer the worst of my impulses. It also doesn’t have gamer aesthetics, aka “childish and hideous design”.

I have a Razer LED mechanical keyboard I got for my windows machine for gaming and it’s fine for minecraft, but I hated it for work and ended up bringing home my Microsoft keyboard that had the same short throw keys as the mac keyboards I use for everything else. If you want the razer let me it’s just a backup keyboard at the moment.

I have a “transition” between two “pages” in react that is jumpy - icons show up in the middle of the screen for a fraction of a second before moving to the right place. In googling around to try to find likely things that cause this problem or ways to avoid it I’m hampered by my bad vocabulary. You know what I’m talking about? Is there a common way to refer to this? I think if I had a better google search I’d find helpful things. “react page renders badly for a second” “temporary rendering glitch” ??

So, I’ve looked this over and it looks pretty cool, but it doesn’t seem worth it to get into a new thing, even a not that difficult thing, that I’m not really intending to use a lot and am not that interested in. Basically, I’m just really indifferent to style and layout and would be fine if every site looked like craigslist. So, even if I think some library or framework spitting out CSS might be cool, it’s never going to be something I want to do that much of. I think. ??

Anyone else use tailwind?

I’ve used it and I think it’s great for a lot of applications, particularly when you want to move fast and not get bogged down writing CSS. Actually seems perfectly suited for what you want - basic styling with minimal fuss. That’s exactly what it was designed to do.

Also, you may be fine with craigslist, but if you’re doing front end stuff you’re probably going to need to put a little more effort into how it looks if you want anybody else to use it.

For sure. I understand that most people want something different. I’m trying to groom nanodaughter to handle all that for me. She is very artistic and, at the moment, wants to go into graphic design/web design/UI/UX etc., but she has her own stuff to do. I would like to have a partner who had talent along those lines, was interested in the same projects and had time, but it’s not easy to get people to do your stuff for you for something other than a paycheck on Fridays.

This is the keyboard I currently run. No shitty gamer asthetic and has a very high build quality. Plus double shot, and no LEDs (which I found with my old ducky to not have a great lifespan)

Gamer aesthetic is great. You guys would hate my setup. I’ll be typing shitty code with a glowy keyboard well into my 60’s


Yeah that’s the same one I have, except a different color

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Is this the thread where we guillotine people with $100 dollar keyboards?



Mine only cost $60!



My test for commenting is if I’ll be confused as hell if I come back in 6 months - wondering why I did something a certain (often less intuitive or obvious) way.

Also if changing a line of code could open up a big security hole.