
That’s absolutely terrible. QA should have a basic idea of how things work. Also why can’t she just contact you directly and clear it up before sending an email to everyone? That’s a sign you work for a FUBAR company, which you’ve already demonstrated pretty well.

Yeah just send an email, very polite - explaining how localhost vs. environment works. Apologize for confusing her and sending the wrong link, and encourage her to please reach out directly if she gets confused in the future.

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full stack dev? wtf

Lol these people would never survive with what I have to deal with. I have this russian teammate who barely can speak english and my job a lot of times is to take his work and automate it, so he sends me these really sparse lists of instructions in barely intelligible english that is also riddled with technical errors or missing info, and I just have to fill in the gaps or wait an entire day to get an answer to a question about it, because his timezone is on the other side of the world.

Not to be political here in this thread, but it’s very interesting how wrong the idea that people are mostly motivated by economic self-interest is. Being the one person around who knows how to do anything is really valuable, but people don’t like it. Have no bullshit like this in a job and an employer can definitely get better people and pay them less.

I’m having a much harder time getting what I want done in CSS than I have in anything I’ve tried in C++.

While this is true, CSS is also about 5 times less of a nightmare than it used to be.

I switched to Tailwind for CSS and have been very happy. All the CSS goes in the HTML as a utility class, so you can’t reuse anything at the CSS level (because you don’t actually write any CSS), so you need to also have some way to reuse chunks of HTML too. I find it’s a lot easier to have everything in the HTML though, rather than having to switch back and forth to CSS, worry about specificity, etc.

EDIT: Also, CSS In Depth is a really good book if you want an in-depth read about CSS!


lol how is CSS which is just a collection of rules harder than manually managing memory? :thinking:

For one thing, as bad as C++ compiler error messages are, CSS is worse. Imagine coding where every mistake you ever make just does nothing instead of breaks.

I’m super far from expert, but the “memory management” I have done was not hard. Sometimes you delete a variable. Sometimes you tell something how big it’s going to be, but in practice, I think people use the libraries so they don’t have to do that.

Javascript :slight_smile:

Ya typically you don’t want to just spew out a bunch of CSS, just write it in the browser on the elements until it does what you want then copy it over to the code. Would be pretty great if chrome etc would throw errors on CSS that aren’t just strikethroughs though.


Now make sure it looks good in Edge and IE-11 if god help you you still have to support it, and at tablet and phone breakpoints on Apple and Android.

In my last project at work, I had built a small tool and they wanted me to host my data on a small site we just use internally on my team.

So I got a static site generator, got it to output the look and feel I wanted, and reused the generated CSS. I hate messing with that stuff - anything frontend is my kryptonite. I did make it pretty presentable though, even though my boss still insists on calling it ugly.

Uh well sure but I mean take an hour and do a CSS course (no idea where). Its not all that hard or complicated and there’s probably only 20ish rules that you’ll use all the time. And bookmark A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks and you’re done!

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Yeah. And that takes longer than just solving it or typing the error message into Google.

I’ve read that and was using flexbox. I found the problem. It was something obvious after finding it. A compiler or interpreter would have told me right off.

And, I did find it using the dev tools in chrome and just playing around with the CSS there. I will take your advice and start at the dev tools instead of writing it blind going forward.

I do a fair bit with CSS, nearly always via LESS, and that page has a privileged slot on my bookmarks toolbar it’s so useful - add in box-sizing: border-box; and the fog of positioning clears.

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If it took you 1000 hours to write the CSS for this page via trial and error you definitely should have started with the course

.posters, .topic-post-badges, .views {
  display: none;

td.activity {
  position: absolute;
  width: 0;
} {
  position: relative;
  right: 2em;
  top: 1.5em;


@media (min-width: 768px)
.archetype-regular.category .wrap, archetype-regular.category .d-header .wrap {
    max-width: 1100px;
    //zikzak is really getting on my nerves
