Presidential Debate Thread

Maybe? He’s at least equally fascist.

You mean post Jan 6 right? About the same, though with project 2025 and the developments in Ukraine the prospect of a second term is more scary than it was then.

Fun spam thread. Does this mean people are unstable again?

Did anyone suggest forcing him out as opposed to him dropping out (people convincing him to drop out)?

Doesn’t matter though. Trump will win either way.

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So bbb7979 is calling for it. I remember he was a huge Bernie Bro. In fact, ‘bb’ stands for ‘Bernie Bro’. The third ‘b’ is a misprint.



Biggest Bernie Bro it might have been

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I also know old people. I’m not gonna spend 18 paragraphs telling you about them.


Safe to say anxieties are running high for most of us right now.

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Nikki Haley, the runner-up to Donald Trump in this year’s GOP nomination race, said Democrats need to dump President Biden as their presumptive nominee following his halting debate performance as she reiterated her calls for cognitive testing of all federal candidates.

But the former South Carolina governor, in a Wall Street Journal interview, said Republicans shouldn’t assume replacing Biden would inherently help Trump.
“They are going to be smart about it: they’re going to bring somebody younger, they’re going to bring somebody vibrant, they’re going to bring somebody tested,” she said. “This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.”

Haley also said she spoke about a week ago with Trump—the former president and presumptive Republican nominee—for the first time since she left the race in early March.

The two had a highly combative relationship during the first two months of the year, but Haley said she reached out to Trump to personally offer her support after stating during a public appearance in late May that she would vote for him.

She described it as a “good conversation,” but said there was no discussion of a campaign role for her or participation in next month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. When she exited the race, she had urged Trump to be more welcoming to the millions of people who voted for her.

Do I really need to explain in 2024 that the subtext of every post ever made, unless explicitly said otherwise, is “imo”?

Of course

The argument, as I understand it, is that he won’t step down now. So what changed after he did step down?

Despite delivering a rousing speech at a rally in North Carolina on Friday that calmed some of his allies, Biden was described by one person familiar with his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear.

Pelosi seems uninformed. Maybe a delegate could set her straight

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Are you arguing that this is fact? Or your opinion

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Source? I doubt you know as many as he does

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Fundraising email excerpt



The person next in line, through no fault of our own, is someone who could not break 2% in primaries because they are so weird and probably also because they like to incarcerate single moms

This is our career. We are the experts. Why can’t you bedwetters just do exactly as we say


It’s a shame no other faction of the Democratic Party showed enough political savvy to get their person as Biden’s running mate instead of someone who couldn’t break 2% in the primaries.