Presidential Debate Thread

Best wishes

What? If he doesn’t read simplicitus on Unstuck Politics, he’s got dementia?

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TBH you’re not someone who should receive benefit of the doubt for it being a joke when you suggest a Jewish conspiracy

I see it as strictly a Netanyahu conspiracy.

First off, the post was written to Clovis, a PhD who I’d hope would give me the grace of reading the post, not you.

Second off, having a grievance and then not reading a thoughtful post that brings a real world perspective because you thought it was too long is especially indicative of where we are in this country. It just says you want to whine and talk but don’t want to listen, when reading a few paragraphs may have made you want to read the whole thing. That’s everywhere now. ChatGPT gave an A+ summary of it if that’s more your speed that hokie posted.

Third off, it’s so easy to scroll without reading and not say anything. The unserious people decided they wanted to speak so whatever.

The fact that you’re serious about people needing to take your stream of consciousness seriously, that’s why we are where we are

The entitlement and the Dunning Kruger are off the charts with this hill you’ve decided to die on

It wasn’t a hard post to understand. I bet everyone read it and got it. It just doesn’t contribute much of anything to the discussion. People found amusement in the ratio of words to content

Not me. A chicken in every pot and a child in every cage, I say.


Ah shit. I meant to tag the guy whose name I confuse with yours. I don’t confuse the two of you, just your names sometimes. I didn’t mean to insult you by comparing him to you

I can’t even think of his name right now

I love you and forgive you.


From the article:

And the gaslighting gets worse from there

How can anyone say with a straight face that the voters choose the nominee when they wouldn’t even allow a primary debate? Just ridiculous



The DNC picking a candidate instead of a primary is not necessarily “less democracy”

Pretty much all the countries that rank more democratic than the US in global rankings don’t have primaries and just have party leadership picking candidates…


Do you think that affects their democracy score?

Surely it’s not the reason they rank higher. Or is it?

Besides, I am aiming my comment at the people who think the Dems behaved un-democratically in 2020. Surely they would think this would be even more un-democratic?

And the person with the most votes loses our elections more often than they win. It’s not about slippery slopes or incremental degrees of democracy. It’s about not giving a fascist a free path to control of the government. Biden might win but the likelihood that he gets worse and makes Trump inevitable is just too damn high. The party shouldn’t just accept that in the name of norms

I don’t think you can assess the impact individually

I.e. the primary system causes ridiculously long campaign seasons for candidates. This selects for funding and media impact and makes for worse candidates with greater influence by monies interest.

Parties being able to change tack to suit the needs of the party and the electorate based on reality can lead to better outcomes.

See. Forcing people to choose between a man in severe cognitive decline and a fascist.

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Yeah. That’s fine. I’m more just using your post as a jumpoff to criticise the primary system.

Good luck convincing voters that biden was fairly replaced. Good luck convincing them well enough that the candidate performs better in the election than biden would have

Is he more fascist now than he was in January 2021?