Presidential Debate Thread

@TheHip41 it ain’t 100% man :-1:t3:

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Pick two.

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Biden going on a vision quest

Whitmer please

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This guy?




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Jamie Raskin always impresses me. Assuming he’s recovered from his cancer treatment.

biden walked off the stage like ron burgandy did after he said “go fuck yourself san diego” ahahaha

“i gotta fire you ron”

blissfully unaware “i gotta fire YOU”


Even better, Manchin! He’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s old enough there’s no chance he’ll seek reelection, so there’s that.


Who is celebrating it? He died for something he believed in. He shouldn’t have had to die for people to realize that genociding children isnt only a violation of international law but is decidedly icky. Not much more could be said for anyone’s actions in this place, especially on a forum that’s well known for mocking/villainizing people with suicidal ideation or mental problems (which bushnell didn’t have, not saying that)

second edit and probably the last I have to say about this subject:

bushnell was a “devops” (infrastructure) engineer for the branch of the air force that is basically a bunch of geeks with a lot of broad access to internal systems and networks. he specifically worked in intelligence and data transfer regarding national security level materials. he almost certainly saw and had access to atrocities committed by our “ally.” instead of acting out of rage or exposing national secrets, he instead decided to make a well known political statement (self immolation) in protest of what he almost certainly saw, without exposing that information or betraying his nation. That is certainly admirable and on some level heroic and if you disagree you can feel free to light yourself on fire too for all I care. At least in his case the world was losing a good person.

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this is it.


i think if my “make them play a normal game of jeopardy” idea were taken seriously, both would end the game negative. trump would ring in first on every clue and get them wrong. joe would buzzer in on ones he knows and time out. rfkjr would be sitting at home getting every single clue immediately on some slumdog millionaire shit


maybe time to vote rfk jr. no matter who

  1. You’re (presumably) an adult and thus should have the basic life experience and/or decency to recognize that there is almost certainly more to this man’s suicide than caring so deeply about Palestinians.

  2. Incredibly on brand for that certain segment of the left to lionize someone who’s accomplishment was going all-in to show he cares the most while accomplishing nothing (but, again, it’s pretty vile to take it as a given that’s what happened).


Whether Biden or not, the nominee has to be someone who will defend the Biden administration as having done a good job. If you pass over Kamala Harris, you will piss off some minorities if you do it for a white person. Promoting Harris prevents an unruly convention fight.

Harris is the logical choice. The question is whether she can win and her weakness may be part of why Biden has stayed.

This is related to why Bernie Sanders as the left’s standard bearer was a mistake. He was simply too old to ever be a VP on a party unity ticket who gets looked at as the next person up on the Democratic bench.


I explained in an edit what “more” was likely going on with his suicide but you can feel free to expose yourself here by what you think was going on. I’m sure we’ll hear all the normal gaslighting mental illness tropes, which don’t even apply here.


We’re completely fucked?


Harris is on CNN right now essentially defending Biden’s performance. She is loyal to a fault perhaps. I don’t know. I think a fresher face would have a better chance.

Remember we had posters here chastising anyone bringing up Joe’s age within the last month. Anyone with a brain could see this coming.