Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

From someone 100% rooting for Trump:

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Yeah expert play by hardball negotiating her way into a single ABC debate. Could not have gone better for her. Lol at agreeing to a fox debate. 100% chance Trump will push for it though and heā€™ll go on such tilt when she refuses it will make him look even weaker.


Yea, best case scenario was that it would be entertaining. This has delivered on that

It was never going to convince a bunch of undecideds

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Nah this is pretty much perfect so far. It wonā€™t amount to much I agree but then no one is changing there minds now anyway. As always itā€™ll come down to the few knobheads in the few states which matter deciding on the day, based on nothing but feels or whatever, which box to tick

Greg gutfield crying on Twitter

Another one!


Got a Kamala commercial where she is touting her opportunity economy.

She needs to run up the margin with women and Iā€™d like to think tonight is helping with that.


Gonna be a bit difficult to claim that he won the debate and that it was very unfair and that he wants a fair fight. But lordy heā€™ll try.

Iā€™ve been wildly optimistic since she picked Walz but I disagree completely this wonā€™t move the needle. This was an execution on live tv with like half the country watching.


What really matters is of it changes media coverage.

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Just set the DVR to record the Fox after party.

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Muir is killing him with these basic questions. (Granted she avoided the economy one at the top).

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Checked in on fb. Maga, who tries to pretend like heā€™s objective, says theyā€™re both terrible and we need to burn it all down and start over. So I think thatā€™s a good sign.


he thinks millions have died in ukraine

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Lol calling the moderators fake news with fake numbers is a bold move cotton

Notice he didnā€™t say he wants Ukraine to win


Agree. There wonā€™t be cataclysmic movement, but ā€œwonā€™t move the needle at allā€ is way more than cynical than Iā€™ll be about this.

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Thought the break might benefit him and get him to calm doen but hes right back into the dumbassery

Well, like 500k+ Russians.

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