Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

I thought Harris was going to play it safe. I thought Trump wouldn’t fully rise to any bait offered. Wrong on both counts.


And an even hotter take which is that while I will be glad when Trump is gone, a sick part of me will long for these moments that we will likely never enjoy anything like ever again. It’s like the Trump Covid briefings. On one hand they were insanely horrifying but we were all glued to the tv for them because you never knew what crazy shit he would say. And that watching always has a payoff like injecting yourself with bleach or eating dogs. He never dissapoints in the end.


Yes, this qualifies as “even hotter.”

I think that being forced to constantly think about this guy for damn near a decade has been absolutely miserable, and I will luxuriate in the ability to not do that if we are afforded a sweet release from it.


THEYRE EATING THE DOGS has absolutely penetrated to normies I’ve seen it everywhere today


I think even if you could rate the claims on how true they are, I feel like the consequences of the claims are wildly different.

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Both big time Ls for the GOP so they tie.

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I’m pretty sure that Ruffini is a former anti-Trump R who became such an aggressive anti-anti- that he worked himself into a shoot and is now fully MAGA.

That’s my least favorite variety of MAGA, I think.


The Haitians eating cats thing really is a disgusting new low for these guys and you can kinda tell they know it by the way they’re trying to whatabout it.

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More than anything I think many are pissed that the fucking idiot they’re voting for ruined it by believing it and ranting about it on the biggest stage. A “rile up the base” lie that most of them knew was a lie became probably the worst look of a disastrous debate performance in front of normies who weren’t really the intended audience, so they know they can’t just gleefully push it anymore.


Man, I dunno. I’m genuinely worried they keep running with it, it seems to get their base fired up.

One thing to be aware of.

When you pay attention to a meme or a topic, the algorithm serves it up to you more.

It’s very easy to conclude from this that the topic is trending more than it actually is.

With that said. The dogs things is going places.

If he has any reflective moments, that’s probably similar to what Putin thinks about going into Ukraine.

Yeah TikTok feeds me what it knows I want to see, but “they’re eating the dogs” and trans surgeries on illegal aliens in prison both seem to have real traction.


Sounds like what happened to Jimmy Dore

Agree, but the biggest difference is that Trump claimed the pets thing during a live debate. Imagine if Kamala had similarly said “and Trump hired a man as VP who we all know fucked a couch.” It would have been ludicrous and worthy of memes.

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I keep trying to figure out what she mouthed when she cackled at the dog-eating comments. Haven’t figured it out yet.