POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

i’ve seen larger truck rallies in joe’s basement

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Can we ban the Barrett meme? It is extremely tilting and unnerving.


could this go to supreme court?

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Well shit.

Imagine if they toss them and Trump wins by less than like 50k votes in TX.

As posted it’s going to a federal court with an awful judge monday. Probably won’t be enough time to appeal it after that.

Will be absolutely enraging if the federal judge overturns it, but if the 100% GOP supreme court denied it I have hope.

Maybe because even he senses that attacking the first Black female VP candidate would shed a disastrous level of support from people of color.




this is winner takes all. i’m sure the other side justifies “if you are not cheating, you are not trying”

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Since he has giveth many memes, I would like to post this Twitter thread of batshit crazy Vince stories.



I mean it’s a state law issue and the highest state court has denied relief. Even apart from the lack of standing and the merits, that alone should kill the case. What I’m saying is, basically a 50/50.


Literally just now on my TV: “AMERICA NEEDS JOBS, NOT MOBS” like it’s actually Biden who’s in charge now and we need Trump to come in and clean up his mess. JFC


If Trump judge rules the 100k are out, they don’t go in the garbage, it gets appealed. Election Day is not a drop dead deadline for that.

The reason they aren’t counting until after election day is they don’t have enough staff to do that and man e-day polls. Those counties are small and R leaning, so it isn’t a big deal.


Popping into a chess thread to shit all over the game of chess as meaningless and boring and overhyped and whathaveyou is technically on the subject of chess, but it’s really Bad Poasting.


The SCOTUS literally just overruled the Wisconsin Supreme Court like less than a week ago.

Kavanaugh’s makes it clear that Federal courts have jurisdiction over the interpretation of state law when it comes to Federal elections.

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You’re not wrong, but we know who handles that appeal.

SCOTUS overuled a federal judge in Wisconsin I believe, and did not overturn the PA/MI state courts. Though one of them said they COULD rehear it depending on what happens election day. So if its super close/Trumps ahead they will probably come in and overturn it.

but if this federal judge does rule to toss out these ballots, I have no doubt the supreme court will just refuse to hear the case. They can help Trump and keep their hands clean.

SCOTUS just throwing out 100k votes in a hotly contested election would be a revolution-inciting event and they know it. Call me naive but there is no chance they do that. Huge difference from changing the mail-in ballot deadlines.


When a litigant claims a SSC ruling violates federal law, it goes straight to the SCOTUS. Filing a separate lawsuit and asking a district judge to overturn that is WTF bonkers.

Gorsuch, while unquestionably an absolute scumbag, has on occasion shown a small amount of integrity. I don’t know that he’s down with tossing obviously legitimate ballots.


We’re not talking about Federal law. We’re talking about state law. And the SCOTUS claims jurisdiction over state law as it applies to Federal elections.