You might be about to see first hand exactly how much damage he can do, and not only to immigrants and other minorities. Some people with more receptive antennae itf have either already left or are planning on emigrating. That should tell you something.

You don’t really understand the broader point I was making abut “intelligence”, but whatever.

Where is the democratic leadership? A tweet about how alarmed you are is not helpful. Do something! Hearings, subpoenas, anything! They look like the feckless, impotent losers they are.

We shouldn’t be holding our breath for the Dem controlled House to do anything. Partially because:


And partially because there are only 13 days left in session before the election. No way are they giving up their vacays to handle something as menial as the USPS. I’m sure everything will be fine!

“Look like”

I mean, Mitt is basically left of Manchin and Jones at this point.



Gonna be wild if mail-in voting is fine in Florida because Trump said they’re the only state that can do it, so Biden carries Florida, and then Trump picks up crazy blue states because of USPS shenanigans there.

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Nope. His words are maybe more anti-Trump, because his state is the one red state that doesn’t particularly like Trump, but his voting is mostly standard R. Conservative Democrats in Congress still have significantly more liberal voting records than the most “moderate“ Republicans.

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He’s probably more liberal personally and as a governor was, but party loyalty. Most people vote with their party almost no matter what. The least partisan donkey or elephant (Thomas Massie) votes party line 83% of the time. He’s a big outlier though, median is 94% and most partisan is 96%.

Protesters have surrounded DeJoys house. Do you guys think it would be good or bad for the movement it someone threw a molotov cocktail threw a window?

paging @DVaut1

I think this is a great idea, voting in this country is kinda fucked, every state has different rules, policies, and procedures for every part of the voting process. Then even just figuring out which races you can vote in, at least in my area, isn’t easy. My zip code is represented by three different people in the us House of Representatives and state/city level districts are even more fucked.

Of course the problem is that they’re working towards a tough goal that’ll take a lot of boring, brute force type work by intelligent people, if they actually want to accomplish something useful. It’s really hard to trust that they’ll be effective.

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There’s no way that doesn’t get spun into a Reichstag fire situation.

No comment.


They never learn.


There’s no reason to hold money for the next 75 years of pensions, there’s no reason for sat delivery of mail in 2020.

Obviously the current slashing is ridiculous but it’s frustrating to see people keep blocking things that needed to be made a long time ago.

Rs are just better at this than Ds.



I believe the whole narrative of money problems is false. Could they operate more efficiently? Probably but I don’t think there are any significant $600 hammer stories either.

If they have to save money deliver every other day. Being the last mile for Amazon has got to be lucrative.

We should cut firefighting and policing down to every other day to save money, too. It’s time to really start running government like a business.